typedef struct StreamOutputQueue{
char message[513];
struct StreamOutputQueue * next;
} StreamOutputQueue;
当我收到事件 NSStreamEventHasSpaceAvailable 时,我发送队列中的第一条消息,然后将其删除,以便下一条消息准备好。如果队列为空,我会设置一个标志,以便我可以立即发送下一条消息而无需将其添加到队列中,因为流应该已准备好并且队列为空。
case NSStreamEventHasSpaceAvailable:
NSLog(@"Space Available!");
if (login_start) { //Login
range = [nick_field.text rangeOfString: @" "]; //Find space in nickname text
if (range.location != NSNotFound) { //Found so include only the text up to the space.
used_nick = [nick_field.text substringToIndex: range.location];
}else{ //Else include it all
used_nick = nick_field.text;
[irc_output_stream write:(const uint8_t *)[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"USER %@ * * :%@ \r\nNICK %@\r\n", used_nick, nick_field.text,used_nick,nil] UTF8String] maxLength:1024]; //Send USER and NICK IRC commands
login_start = NO; //Login done.
}else if (output_queue){ //Queue exists
printf("OUTPUT QUEUE HAS DATA - %s\n",output_queue->message);
[irc_output_stream write: (const uint8_t *)output_queue->message maxLength:512]; //Send message to server.
StreamOutputQueue * next = output_queue->next;
output_queue = next; //Queue pointer points to next node.
space_available = NO;
space_available = YES; //Nothing sent, space available for immediate data delivery to server.
- (void) appendToOutputQueue: (char *) message{
if (space_available) { //Space available with no queue so send the next one now.
printf("SPACE AVAILABLE NO QUEUE - %s",message);
[irc_output_stream write: (const uint8_t *)message maxLength:512];
space_available = NO; //Wait until space is available again
return; //Do not continue to add to queue
//Add to queue
StreamOutputQueue * new;
new = malloc(sizeof(*new)); //Allocate new node
new->next = NULL; //Next must be null to signify end
strcpy(new->message,message); //Copy message data
if (output_queue) { //If the queue exists add the node to the end
output_queue_end->next = new;
}else{ //Else make the queue start at this node
output_queue = new;
output_queue_end = new; //The end node is now this one
问题是服务器无法识别通过队列发送的数据。数据在 printf 调用中正确打印。登录工作绝对正常。如果数据是在事件方法之外发送的,它似乎每次都失败,并且在某些时候失败,当它在事件方法中时,服务器会像收到损坏的数据一样行事。