I'm relatively new to Vim so there may be something obvious I'm missing here. I'm usig Neovim and have installed the vim-jedi plugin. When I'm typing, I can see that it's offering autocomplete options: enter image description here

I can scroll down to this option (using the arrow keys) and hit Enter to have it autocomplete. However, if I hit <Ctrl+Space> then it does not autocomplete. I've looked at my :map and <Ctrl+Space> doesn't seem to be mapped to anything already. Can anyone please assist?


1 回答 1


我以前从未使用过那个插件,但是当我通常使用 VIM 时,我总是使用 CTRL-p 或 CTRL-n 来自动完成一个已经在我的文档中输入过的单词。然后在突出显示正确的单词后,我点击空格确认选择并继续输入下一个单词。如果它的工作方式与常规 vim 自动完成相同,则不需要按 CTRL 空格。

您还可以分别使用 CTRL-n 或 CTRL-p 来选择要自动完成的正确单词。

于 2020-02-04T03:54:13.047 回答