我正在使用 WWDC'19 中引入的 Collection View Compositional Layout and Diffable Datasources链接来呈现多节布局UICollectionView
第 1 节标题--> 2020 年 1 月 - 5 次旅行
第 1 节第 1 项-->第 1
节第 1 项第 2节--> 第 2
节第 1 项第 3节--> 第 3 节第 1 节第 4 项--> 第
节第 1 项5 --> 行程 5
现在如果删除行程,DiffableDataSource 会通过动画更新更改,但不会重新加载部分的标题。这看起来不一致。例如,如果行程 4 被删除,那么标题仍然显示该部分中有 5 个行程。如何让标头也使用 DiffableDataSource 重新加载?
在显示 Diffing 动画的延迟后调用,然后我硬重新加载数据,这也会强制重新加载标题。
private func configureTripDataSource(){
tripDataSource = UICollectionViewDiffableDataSource<MonthSection, Trip>(collectionView: tripsCollectionView, cellProvider: { (collectionView, indexPath, trip) -> UICollectionViewCell? in
// Get a cell of the desired kind.
guard let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(
withReuseIdentifier: TripInfoCell.reuseIdentifier,
for: indexPath) as? TripInfoCell else { fatalError("Cannot create new TripInfoCell") }
// Populate the cell with our item description.
cell.trip = trip
// Return the cell.
return cell
tripDataSource.supplementaryViewProvider = {
[weak self] (collectionView: UICollectionView, kind: String, indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionReusableView? in
guard let self = self else {return nil}
if kind == TripsController.tripsMonthSectionHeaderElementKind{
// Get a supplementary view of the desired kind.
guard let header = collectionView.dequeueReusableSupplementaryView(
ofKind: kind,
withReuseIdentifier: TripSectionHeaderCell.reuseIdentifier,
for: indexPath) as? TripSectionHeaderCell else { fatalError("Cannot create new header") }
// setup header
let currentSnapShot = self.tripDataSource.snapshot()
let tripMonthSection = currentSnapShot.sectionIdentifiers[indexPath.section]
header.titleLabel.text = tripMonthSection.title
header.subtitleLabel.text = "\(tripMonthSection.trips.count) Trips"
return header
} else {
return UICollectionReusableView()
var snapshot = NSDiffableDataSourceSnapshot<MonthSection, Trip>()
let allSections = self.tripsStore.monthSections
for section in allSections{
snapshot.appendItems(section.trips, toSection: section)
self.tripDataSource.apply(snapshot, animatingDifferences: true)