in routing I have next: {path: 'modules', component: ..., resolve: { modules: ModulesServiceResolver}, {path: 'modules/:id', component: ...}

and when I return back from child component - resolve not called one more time?

array of modules, which I get from modules resolver can be changed when I am in inner page. I want to get them?

how to call resolver one more time when return from child route?

UPD: modules I have done as separate module then in modules.routing done next { path: '', component: ModulesComponent, resolve: { projects: ModulesService }, runGuardsAndResolvers: 'always' }, { path: ':id', loadChildren: () => import('./module/module.module').then(m => m.ModuleModule) }

now works as needed


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模块我作为单独的模块完成,然后在 modules.routing 中完成{ path: '', component: ModulesComponent, resolve: { projects: ModulesService }, runGuardsAndResolvers: 'always' }, { path: ':id', loadChildren: () => import('./module/module.module').then(m => m.ModuleModule) }

于 2020-01-29T17:03:14.147 回答