os.chown正是我想要的,但我想按名称指定用户和组,而不是 ID(我不知道它们是什么)。我怎样才能做到这一点?
63701 次
4 回答
import pwd
import grp
import os
uid = pwd.getpwnam("nobody").pw_uid
gid = grp.getgrnam("nogroup").gr_gid
path = '/tmp/f.txt'
os.chown(path, uid, gid)
于 2011-05-13T16:31:27.170 回答
从 Python 3.3 https://docs.python.org/3.3/library/shutil.html#shutil.chown
import shutil
shutil.chown(path, user=None, group=None)
user 可以是系统用户名或 uid;这同样适用于组。
于 2015-01-26T06:53:37.637 回答
由于 shutil 版本支持可选组,因此我将代码复制并粘贴到我的 Python2 项目中。
def chown(path, user=None, group=None):
"""Change owner user and group of the given path.
user and group can be the uid/gid or the user/group names, and in that case,
they are converted to their respective uid/gid.
if user is None and group is None:
raise ValueError("user and/or group must be set")
_user = user
_group = group
# -1 means don't change it
if user is None:
_user = -1
# user can either be an int (the uid) or a string (the system username)
elif isinstance(user, basestring):
_user = _get_uid(user)
if _user is None:
raise LookupError("no such user: {!r}".format(user))
if group is None:
_group = -1
elif not isinstance(group, int):
_group = _get_gid(group)
if _group is None:
raise LookupError("no such group: {!r}".format(group))
os.chown(path, _user, _group)
于 2015-10-22T13:33:32.070 回答
您可以使用id -u wong2
获取用户的 uid
您可以使用 python 执行此操作:
import os
def getUidByUname(uname):
return os.popen("id -u %s" % uname).read().strip()
然后使用 id 来os.chown
于 2011-05-13T16:25:06.443 回答