Artifactory version: Artifactory Professional 6.11.3 rev 61103900

Linux: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.10 (Santiago)

berks install --debug just hangs at the following line (and spits no errors/warnings/etc):

Fetching cookbook index from http://my-company-artifactory-server-development:8181/artifactory/api/chef/chef-develop-virtual...

Full log showing some previous log lines are:

23:17:05 I, [2020-01-24T23:17:05.732159 #7235]  INFO -- : Checking if lockfile is trusted
23:17:05 D, [2020-01-24T23:17:05.732185 #7235] DEBUG -- : Checking my_wrapper_cookbook (>= 0.0.0)
23:17:05 D, [2020-01-24T23:17:05.732199 #7235] DEBUG -- :   Not in lockfile - cannot be trusted!
23:17:05 I, [2020-01-24T23:17:05.732212 #7235]  INFO -- : Installing from universe
23:17:05 D, [2020-01-24T23:17:05.732232 #7235] DEBUG -- :   Creating a resolver
23:17:05 Fetching cookbook index from http://my-company-artifactory-server-development:8181/artifactory/api/chef/chef-develop-virtual...

and this process step is just sitting here for last 2+ hours.

I couldn't find anything in Artifactory's log or berks install --debug which could point why this is happening and hanging!

My Berksfile:

# vim: ft=berksfile.ruby:

source "http://my-company-artifactory-server-development:8181/artifactory/api/chef/chef-develop-virtual"

cookbook "my_wrapper_cookbook", ">= 0.0.0"

1 回答 1


我们的团队在周末试用了一个新的 Artifactory 实例,在练习期间,他们将 Artifactory 主机别名my-company-artifactory-server-development指向了这个新 IP(例如:。

  • 无论他们做了什么测试(通过运行各种 Jenkins 流水线),一切都很顺利。

测试后(新的 Artifactory 实例),他们切换回原始 Artifactory 实例(例如:并关闭了新的 Artifactory 实例。

似乎很少有 Jenkins 构建/从属机器仍然为相同的别名主机名保留新的 IP 地址(较新的 Artifactory 实例)。

运行 traceroute my-company-artifactory-server-development报告它指向新的IP地址并且无法达到IP最大化所有跃点(因为新的IP/机器已经关闭)。


运行 wget http://my-company-artifactory-server-development:8181/artifactory/api/chef/chef-develop-virtual显示有关 IP 的相同信息并且没有工作(如预期的那样),因为 Artifactory 主机别名指向新 IP(已关闭)。

重新启动 nscd服务帮助主机别名:my-company-artifactory-server-development point/re-pick up the correct (original) IP: 现在berks install按预期工作。

于 2020-01-28T22:19:51.630 回答