大家好,我想知道是否可以使用 Gnuplot 绘制 NetCDF 文件。我试图在命令行上使用 PyFerret,但我无法弄清楚。使用 PyFerret 我能够确定 NetCDF 文件具有以下数据:

yes? show data
     currently SET data sets:
    1> ./CrawfordPoint_surface.nc  (default)
 name     title                             I         J         K         L
 T_2M     Air temperature at 2 m           ...       ...       ...       1:105193
 T_2M_O   Origin of air temperature data   ...       ...       ...       1:105193
 RH_2M    Relative humidity at 2 m         ...       ...       ...       1:105193
 RH_2M_O  Origin of relative humidity dat  ...       ...       ...       1:105193
 WS_10M   Wind speed at 10 m               ...       ...       ...       1:105193
 WS_10M_O Origin of wind speed data        ...       ...       ...       1:105193
 P        Snowfall rate                    ...       ...       ...       1:105193
 P_O      Origin of snowfall rate          ...       ...       ...       1:105193
 SRIN     Downward shortwave radiation     ...       ...       ...       1:105193
 SRIN_O   Origin of downward shortwave ra  ...       ...       ...       1:105193
 SROUT    Upward shortwave radiation       ...       ...       ...       1:105193
 SROUT_O  Origin of the upward shortwave   ...       ...       ...       1:105193
 LRIN     Downward longwave radiation      ...       ...       ...       1:105193
 LROUT    Upward longwave radiation        ...       ...       ...       1:105193
 SHF      Sensible heat flux               ...       ...       ...       1:105193
 LHF      Latent heat flux                 ...       ...       ...       1:105193
 G        Subsurface heat flux             ...       ...       ...       1:105193
 TS       Surface temperature              ...       ...       ...       1:105193
 MELT     Melt rate                        ...       ...       ...       1:105193

然后我试图绘制我尝试以下操作的数据集 T_2M

yes? show grid T_2M
 name       axis              # pts   start                end                 subset
 normal    X
 normal    Y
 normal    Z
 TIME      TIME            105193 i   01-JUN-1998 00:00    01-JUN-2010 00:00   full

这让我想知道,我正在寻找的温度数据在哪里,因为文件上似乎只有时间数据。然而,使用一个名为Panopoly的应用程序,我能够可视化数据,所以确实有温度。我在 T_2M 文件的某处寻找的数据。所以我尝试使用 Gnuplot 对其进行灌封,但我无法这样做。我是处理这些类型文件的新手。


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