I'm trying to determine the best way to include png images inside multiple nested divs within R markdown.

I would love to use knitr::include_graphics() but unfortunately it doesn't seem to work inside a div.

for example...

lets say I want to create side by side images with two png images.

I would love to use the method below. However, it does not generate the png's properly.


div(class="col-md-6", include_graphics("image1.png")),
div(class="col-md-6", include_graphics("image2.png")),

I'm aware of using things like readPNG with grid.raster but don't find they are as useable as knitr::include_graphics() which seems to render better in Rmarkdown.

Is anyone familiar with any alternatives to knitr::include_graphics or grid.raster(readPNG())?

I am also aware of the native knitr way of including images e.g. ![](www/image1.png) but have not found a way to include this inside many nested HTML divs. And writing raw html e.g. <img> doesn't recognize the file as an external one, and won't export properly.

Does anyone have any thoughts?


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