我们正在尝试使用自托管集成运行时从本地文件共享中提取数据。为了实现 CI/CD,我从 IR 成功工作的数据工厂创建了 arm 模板,并为数据工厂启用了共享,我将在其中使用 ARM 模板部署我的管道。我可以成功部署管道和自托管 IR 和链接服务,但 IR 在新的数据工厂连接中不可用。


正常吗?因为要将 CI/CD 与数据工厂一起使用,一旦部署了 ARM,我们就应该准备好运行管道而无需手动更改?如果我是正确的,那么任何人都可以帮助为什么新数据工厂中的 IR 不可用,这导致管道在我尝试运行它时失败。


2 回答 2


Self Hosted Integration Runtime are tied to the ADF it is created in. To use CI/CD with Self Hosted IR you need to do following steps:

  1. Create a new Data Factory other than the ones you using in CI/CD process,then create the Self hosted Integration Runtime their.(This ADF doesn't need to contain any of your pipeline or Dataset).
  2. Go to the newly created Integration Runtime and click on edit or pencil icon. Go to sharing tab of opened window.
  3. Click on Grant Permission to other Data factory.(Search and Give Permission to all ADF involved in CI/CD Process).
  4. Copy the resource id Displayed. Go to the DEV Data Factory and create new Self hosted runtime of type linked.

enter image description here

5.Enter the Resource ID when asked and click create.

6.Then proceed to setup CI/CD process through DEV Data Factory.

Since through ARM template in all other Data factory linked Self Hosted IR will be created and if you provided permission then everything will work.

于 2020-05-07T14:23:53.603 回答

自托管集成运行时仅由一个数据工厂实例“拥有”。“所有者”和“共享者”工厂定义 IR 的方式不同。当您部署一个在另一个之上时,类型发生了变化,您最终得到了两个“所有者”或两个“共享者”。由于只能有一个“所有者”或“共享者”指向“所有者”,因此事情会破裂。

于 2020-09-15T00:25:19.950 回答