我正在使用带有 Angular 的开放层 OSM 地图来浏览国家,然后是州,然后是相应的城市。我可以根据选择升级并为每个添加新层。我没有删除,只是隐藏了前一层假设如果有人从美国选择了纽约,那么所有国家层都将被隐藏,而带有 NewYark Cities 的上层将是可见的。现在我需要赋予用户回溯到上层的能力。就像双击纽约将显示所有县一样。因此,当我隐藏当前图层并显示上一个图层时,它会正确显示,但我无法检索其中心点。有人可以帮忙吗?
this.map.on('singleclick', (event) => {
// do foreach for each layer this.MapLevel is each layer number in map
this['vectorLayer' + this.MapLevel].getFeatures(event.pixel).then((features) => {
if (!features.length) {
selection = {};
const feature = features[0];
if (!feature) {
this.MapLevel = this.MapLevel + 1;
this['vectorLayer' + this.MapLevel] = new VectorLayer({
source: new VectorSource({
url: this.MapSourceURl, // local json file path to retrive Data
map: this.map,
format: new GeoJSON(),
wrapX: false,
useSpatialIndex: false,
overlaps: false
})}); // layer parameters not pasting here as it has long
this.map.addLayer(this['vectorLayer' + this.MapLevel]);
this['vectorLayer'+ this.MapLevel].setVisible(true);
this['vectorLayer' + (this.MapLevel - 1)].setVisible(false);
// On double click I am trying to show previous layer to downgrade Level in map
this.map.on('dblclick', (event) => {
this['vectorLayer' + (this.MapLevel - 1)].setVisible(true);
this['vectorLayer' + (this.MapLevel - 1)].setOpacity(1);
this.view.animate({center: toLonLat([this.long, this.lati]), zoom : this.view.getZoom() - 1, duration: 2000});
this.map.removeLayer(this['vectorLayer' + this.MapLevel]);
this['vectorLayer'+ this.MapLevel].setVisible(false);
But I am not getting correct zoom level of previous layer this so this code is failing.