背景:在撰写本文时,Fomantic-UI 是 Semantic-UI 的实时开发分支,有朝一日将被纳入 Semantic-UI,同时也是 Semantic-UI 事实上支持的属类。

问题:Fomantic-UI 提供模态功能 - 只需在 JQuery 元素上调用 .modal() 等等。但是,当模式关闭时,模式元素的 DOM 元素仍然隐藏在 DOM 中。我的用例需要删除这些元素,但我担心模态功能的“剩余”接线。

已完成研究:有关模态的 FUI文档很有用,但它是从启动模态的角度编写的,但并没有完全删除它。

复制:下面的代码片段是一种基于代码的方法,用于为按钮侦听器创建模式和连接。单击按钮打开模式,然后单击关闭按钮。两秒钟后,将显示剩余的 DOM 模态元素的简单 JQuery 计数 - 它应该为零,但将为 1。


1 - FUI 模态有一个令人沮丧的功能,即在单击任何按钮时自动关闭模态。它有一个保存子句,即如果触发的按钮事件处理程序返回 false,则模式保持打开状态。显然,如果您正在进行表单验证等,您需要知道这一点。此外,如果您希望覆盖所有按钮的默认功能,请从 onHide 函数返回 false,例如

element.modal('setting', 'onHide', function(){ return false; });

2 - 此片段使用 FUI 的“dist”版本。由于 FUI 经常更改,因此如果在您看到它时已经发生了重大更改,则该代码段可能会失败。在撰写本文时,jsdelivr cdn 上的官方版本是 2.8.3。(2020 年 1 月 17 日编辑)。

var fnSpecial = function(){
	console.log('Close button click function - return true to hide');
  // ... do function activity here....
  return true;

$('#b1').on('click', function(){
  	title: 'I be modal',
    content: 'Modal be I !',
    actions: [
      { text: 'Close', fn: fnSpecial}, // for more buttons in the modal add more entries here. 


function makeModal(opts){
  // create your modal element - I grab the modal template
  var tplt = $('#modalTemplate').html();

  // defaults for modal create
  var obj = {
    title: 'No title !',
    content: 'No content',
    actions: [

  // Merge the above defaults with the user-supplied options
  obj = $.extend(obj, opts);

  // Apply modal options to the soon-to-be modal element 
  var ele = $(tplt);

	var modalButtons = ele.find('.modalButtons');
	for (var i =0, max = obj.actions.length; i < max; i = i + 1 ){
  	var btn = $('<button >' + obj.actions[i].text + '</button>');
    var fn = obj.actions[i].fn;
    btn.data('fn', fn); // store the callback on the element to avoid closures.
    btn.on('click', function(e){    
    	var fn = $(this).data('fn');
      if (typeof fn === "function"){
        var hide = fn(); // IMPORTANT: the function triggered for the button must return true to close the modal or false to keep it open !

        console.log('Button says hide=' + hide)

        if (hide){


            // wait 2 secs and see if the DOM element has gone
            setTimeout( function(){
              var num = $('.modalContentCopy').length;
                .css({ backgroundColor: (num === 0 ? 'lime' : 'red')});
              }, 2000);

	// Simple example of how to reveal the modal element as a f-ui modal 
    .modal('setting', 'transition', "vertical flip")
	.modal('setting', 'onHide', function(){ return false; }) // stop the auto-closing by FUI
	  .modal('show'); // finally show the modal

p {
  padding: 10px;

.modalContent {
  border: 1px solid lime;
  margin: 5px;
  padding: 5px;

.modalHeading {
  border: 1px solid cyan;
  margin: 5px;
  padding: 5px;

.modalBody {
  border: 1px solid magenta;
  margin: 5px;
  padding: 5px;

.modalContent {
  background-color: white;

.ipt {
  margin: 5px 20px;
  display: block;
<link href="https://fomantic-ui.com/dist/semantic.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://fomantic-ui.com/dist/semantic.js"></script>

<p>Click the 'show modal' button to open a modal, then the 'Close' button to close it. See console for messages. The critical point is the final display of the modal artefact count which appears after a 2 second delay, allowing for transitions to complete. We want a zero - what will it be?

  <button id='b1'>Show a modal</button> <span>Count of DOM artifacts after close should be zero - value is >>>>> </span><span id='info'>[value will appear here after modal close]</span>

<div id='modalTemplate' style='display: none;'>
  <div class='modalContent'>
    <div class='modalHeading'>
       I am the heading
    <div class='modalBody'>
      I am the body
    <div class='modalButtons'>



1 回答 1


答案是在关闭动画完成使用modal('destroy') 和 modal('remove')目前未记录的功能。

.modal('setting', 'onVisible', function(){
    .on("animationend webkitAnimationEnd oAnimationEnd MSAnimationEnd",
        console.log('Animation complete')
        $(this).off(e);    // remove this listener
        $(this).modal('destroy');  // take down the modal object
        $(this).remove();    // remove the modal element, at last.

如果您没有观察到关闭过渡的完成,则 FUI 会引发有关缺少元素的过渡的警告。

Modal.Destroy 清除 FUI 附加到 JQuery 模态元素的模态对象。ele.remove() 是标准的 JQuery 删除函数。结果是,根据我的要求,先前制作的模态元素已从 DOM 中删除。

有一个人工制品是 FUI dimmer div,但我迄今为止的测试表明这不是问题,这意味着它们不可见并且不会随着时间的推移而堆积。

有关工作示例,请参见下面的代码段。查看 JS 部分末尾的解决方案。

var fnSpecial = function(){
	console.log('Close button click function - return true to hide');
  // ... do function activity here....
  return true;

$('#b1').on('click', function(){
  	title: 'I be modal',
    content: 'Modal be I !',
    actions: [
      { text: 'Close', fn: fnSpecial}, // for more buttons in the modal add more entries here. 


function makeModal(opts){
  // create your modal element - I grab the modal template
  var tplt = $('#modalTemplate').html();

  // defaults for modal create
  var obj = {
    title: 'No title !',
    content: 'No content',
    actions: [

  // Merge the above defaults with the user-supplied options
  obj = $.extend(obj, opts);

  // Apply modal options to the soon-to-be modal element 
  var ele = $(tplt);

	var modalButtons = ele.find('.modalButtons');
	for (var i =0, max = obj.actions.length; i < max; i = i + 1 ){
  	var btn = $('<button >' + obj.actions[i].text + '</button>');
    var fn = obj.actions[i].fn;
    btn.data('fn', fn); // store the callback on the element to avoid closures.
    btn.on('click', function(e){    
    	var fn = $(this).data('fn');
      if (typeof fn === "function"){
        var hide = fn(); // IMPORTANT: the function triggered for the button must return true to close the modal or false to keep it open !

        console.log('Button says hide=' + hide)

        if (hide){


            // wait 2 secs and see if the DOM element has gone
            setTimeout( function(){
              var num = $('#theBody').find('.modalContentCopy').length;
                .css({ backgroundColor: (num === 0 ? 'lime' : 'red')});
              }, 2000);

	// Simple example of how to reveal the modal element as a f-ui modal 

    .modal('setting', 'transition', "vertical flip")
    .modal('setting', 'onHide', function(){ return false; }) // stop any button closing the modal

    // <solution starts>
    .modal('setting', 'onVisible', function(){
        .on("animationend webkitAnimationEnd oAnimationEnd MSAnimationEnd",
            console.log('Animation complete')
    // <solution ends>
	  .modal('show'); // finally show the modal


p {
  padding: 10px;

.modalContent {
  border: 1px solid lime;
  margin: 5px;
  padding: 5px;

.modalHeading {
  border: 1px solid cyan;
  margin: 5px;
  padding: 5px;

.modalBody {
  border: 1px solid magenta;
  margin: 5px;
  padding: 5px;

.modalContent {
  background-color: white;

.ipt {
  margin: 5px 20px;
  display: block;
<link href="https://fomantic-ui.com/dist/semantic.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://fomantic-ui.com/dist/semantic.js"></script>

<body id='theBody'>
<p>Click the 'show modal' button to open a modal, then the 'Close' button to close it. See console for messages. The critical point is the final display of the modal artefact count which appears after a 2 second delay, allowing for transitions to complete. We want a zero - what will it be?

  <button id='b1'>Show a modal</button> <span>Count of DOM artifacts after close should be zero - value is >>>>> </span><span id='info'>[value will appear here after modal close]</span>

<div id='modalTemplate' style='display: none;'>
  <div class='modalContent'>
    <div class='modalHeading'>
       I am the heading
    <div class='modalBody'>
      I am the body
    <div class='modalButtons'>


于 2020-01-16T23:29:09.190 回答