编辑:除了接受的答案之外,还需要此答案中的增长顺序才能运行 CSE 或矩阵链乘法
input: [some product of matrices to compute]
given that multiplying two NxN matrices is O(N^2.376)
given we can visualize the product as follows:
we must for example perform O(max(A,B,C)^2.376) or so operations in order to combine
[AxB][BxC] -> [AxC]
The max(...) is an estimate based on how fast it is to multiply two square matrices;
a better estimate of cost(A,B,C) for multiplying an AxB * BxC matrix can be gotten
from actually looking at the algorithm, or running benchmarks if you don't know the
algorithm used.
However note that multiplying the same matrix with itself, i.e. calculating
a power, can be much more efficient, and we also need to take that into account.
At worst, it takes log_2(power) multiplies each of O(N^2.376), but this could be
made more efficient by diagonalizing the matrix first.
compressing 'aa' results in ccabcb and compressing 'aab' is now impossible
# pseudocode
def compress(problem, substring)
x = new Problem(problem)
x.string.replaceall(substring, newsymbol)
x.subcomputations += Subcomputation(newsymbol=substring)
def bestCompression(problem)
candidateCompressions = [compress(problem,substring) for each substring in problem.string]
# etc., recursively return problem with minimum cost
# dynamic programming may help make this more efficient, but one must watch
# out for the note above, how it may be hard to be greedy
注意:根据 Asgeir 的另一个回答,这被称为矩阵链乘法优化问题。Nick Fortescue 指出,这也更普遍地称为http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_subexpression_elimination - 因此可以从文献中找到任何通用 CSE 或矩阵链乘法算法/库,并插入成本我之前提到的数量级(您将需要那些知道您使用哪种解决方案的人)。请注意,上述计算(乘法、求幂等)的成本假设它们是使用最先进的算法有效完成的;如果不是这种情况,请将指数替换为与执行操作的方式相对应的适当值。