我正在尝试在角度中使用 canActivate 保护来验证 url 参数。我正在尝试重定向到/node-info
,如果 url 参数存在,我的验证将返回 true。
canActivate(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot): Observable<boolean | UrlTree> {
...validation code ...
//Re-direct to '/node-info' if the url params are invalid, return url tree
if (this.match === false) {`enter code here`
return of(this._router.parseUrl('/node-info'));
//Dispatch action from store and allow route through
if (this.match === true) {
this._store.dispatch(new SelectNodeInfoAction({systemId, nodeName}));
//dispatch from store based on systemId and nodeName after they have been validated
return this._store.pipe(
filter((item: ResourceResponseItem<NodeInfo>, index: number) => index >= 1 || itemIsMatch(item)),
map(item => itemIsMatch(item) ),