我正在尝试在 zeus 分支上为 raspberrypi4-64 构建 core-image-minimal ,我必须创建文件 sanity.conf 并且我收到了以下错误:
fstrati$ bitbake -c cleanall core-image-minimal
Loading cache: 100% Time: 0:00:00
Loaded 28 entries from dependency cache.
ERROR: rpi-basic-image.bb: Unable to determine endianness for architecture 'INVALID'
ERROR: rpi-basic-image.bb: Please add your architecture to siteinfo.bbclass
ERROR: rpi-hwup-image.bb: Unable to determine endianness for architecture 'INVALID'
ERROR: rpi-hwup-image.bb: Please add your architecture to siteinfo.bbclass
ERROR: Failed to parse recipe: rpi-hwup-image.bb
ERROR: vte_0.56.3.bb: Unable to determine endianness for architecture 'INVALID'
ERROR: vte_0.56.3.bb: Please add your architecture to siteinfo.bbclass
我不明白为什么 core-image-minimal 使用这种已弃用的食谱。