
一年多以来,我的网络摄像头每 15 分钟上传一张新照片(数千张照片)

1. 每天挑选一张照片,尽可能接近中午 12:00
2. 然后将所有选定的文件移动到子文件夹

文件名格式为 YYYYMMDDHHMMSS (ex.20180715035717.jpg)

PS:修改日期/LastWriteTime 是从拍摄照片开始的 -2 小时



示例:对于在 11:50 和 12:10 之间拍摄的每张照片,移动到子文件夹

LastWriteTime////Length////   Name

15.07.2018     08.37        2655543 20180715103707.jpg

15.07.2018     08.52        3294951 20180715105207.jpg

15.07.2018     09.07        2787347 20180715110707.jpg

15.07.2018     09.27        2632705 20180715112706.jpg

15.07.2018     09.42        2589219 20180715114206.jpg

15.07.2018     10.02        2767032 20180715120208.jpg  - MOVE TO SUBFOLDER

15.07.2018     10.27        2997687 20180715122726.jpg

15.07.2018     10.52        3071746 20180715125224.jpg

15.07.2018     11.13        2981523 20180715131308.jpg

15.07.2018     11.37        3074120 20180715133708.jpg

15.07.2018     11.57        2753426 20180715135708.jpg

15.07.2018     12.17        2575961 20180715141709.jpg

15.07.2018     12.37        2664982 20180715143710.jpg

15.07.2018     12.52        3049712 20180715145210.jpg

15.07.2018     13.16        2637337 20180715151618.jpg

15.07.2018     13.31        2755671 20180715153118.jpg

15.07.2018     13.46        2937633 20180715154618.jpg

15.07.2018     14.07        2591824 20180715160724.jpg

15.07.2018     14.22        2616955 20180715162225.jpg

15.07.2018     14.37        2632948 20180715163725.jpg

15.07.2018     14.52        2760379 20180715165225.jpg

15.07.2018     15.07        3080011 20180715170725.jpg

15.07.2018     15.27        3339818 20180715172706.jpg

15.07.2018     15.42        3136413 20180715174206.jpg

15.07.2018     15.58        3015146 20180715175806.jpg

15.07.2018     16.21        2597969 20180715182111.jpg

15.07.2018     16.41        2627375 20180715184112.jpg

15.07.2018     16.56        2685684 20180715185613.jpg

15.07.2018     17.13        2590604 20180715191313.jpg

15.07.2018     17.37        2621325 20180715193718.jpg


16.07.2018     06.08        1956348 20180716080822.jpg

16.07.2018     06.27        2119143 20180716082705.jpg

16.07.2018     06.47        2176428 20180716084706.jpg

16.07.2018     07.02        3243543 20180716090207.jpg

16.07.2018     07.26        2013755 20180716092649.jpg

16.07.2018     07.46        2017713 20180716094649.jpg

16.07.2018     08.01        3565675 20180716100150.jpg

16.07.2018     08.16        3578500 20180716101651.jpg

16.07.2018     08.37        3807611 20180716103705.jpg

16.07.2018     08.57        3728615 20180716105729.jpg

16.07.2018     09.12        3712588 20180716111230.jpg

16.07.2018     09.27        3747855 20180716112730.jpg

16.07.2018     09.42        3744401 20180716114230.jpg

16.07.2018     09.57        3593773 20180716115730.jpg - MOVE TO SUBFOLDER

16.07.2018     10.17        3189216 20180716121732.jpg

16.07.2018     10.33        3400749 20180716123307.jpg

16.07.2018     10.48        3501471 20180716124807.jpg

3 回答 3



Get-ChildItem -Path C:\SomePath\ToPictures\ -Filter *.jpg -Recurse | 
    Where-Object -FilterScript {!$_.PSIsContainer -and $_.LastWriteTime.TimeOfDay.TotalHours -gt 11.875 -and $_.LastWriteTime.TimeOfDay.TotalHours -lt 12.125} | 
    Move-Item -Destination C:\TargetPath\

获取 C:\SomePath\ToPictures 中的所有 *.jpg 文件。确保它们不是文件夹,并且是在上午 11:52:30 之后但在下午 12:07:30(15 分钟间隔)之前写入的。然后,将它们移动到 C:\TargetPath。

注意:您可能希望在使用 Move-Item 之前先使用 Copy-Item 进行测试。


于 2020-01-12T21:14:35.220 回答

假设“修改日期”列是有效的,因此您可以使用它而不必从文件名中提取日期,PowerShell 会处理System.DateTime可以让您.Date退出的对象 - 即没有时间的那一天。


  • 按日期对图片进行分组,因此每天都有一个组
  • 使用此日期 +12 小时作为每个组的正午时间
  • 正午日期减去文件日期,取绝对值去掉+/-号
  • 排序以获得与中午的最小距离

未经测试,但我认为大致正确,PowerShell 示例:

    Get-ChildItem -Path 'c:\pictures' | 

        # group the pictures by day
        Group-Object -Property {$_.LastWriteTime.Date} |

        # loop over each day-group
        ForEach-Object {    

            # get the day back from the group name, make it midday
            $midday = (Get-Date $_.Name).AddHours(12)

            # sort the files for that day,
            # by closeness to midday,
            # pick the nearest 1
            # Copy it to ... ? you didn't say where. Some subfolder, I guess

            $_.Group | Sort-Object {
                    [math]::abs(($_.LastWriteTime - $midday).TotalSeconds)} | 
                    Select-Object -First 1
                } |
                Copy-Item -Destination 'c:\pictures\subfolder' -WhatIf


于 2020-01-12T21:07:47.250 回答


$sourceFolder = 'D:\test'
$destination  = 'D:\PicturesAroundNoon'

# if the destination path does not exist, ceate it
if (!(Test-Path -Path $destination -PathType Container)) {
    $null = New-Item -Path $destination -ItemType Directory
# get a list of FileInfo objects for the files to move
Get-ChildItem -Path $sourceFolder -Filter '*.jpg' -File | 
    Where-Object { $_.BaseName -match '^\d{14}$' -and $_.Name.Substring(8,2) -match '11|12' } | 
    Group-Object @{Expression = {$_.BaseName.Substring(0,8)}} | 
    ForEach-Object {
        if ($_.Group.Count -eq 1) { $fileToMove = $_.Group[0] }  # return the only file for thatdate
        else {
            if ($_.Group.Count -eq 2) {
                $index = 0
            else {
                $index = [math]::Floor($_.Group.Count / 2)
            # get the middle two files from the collection and test which is closest to 12:00
            $file1, $file2 = ($_.Group | Sort-Object)[$index..($index + 1)]
            # get the dates from the file BaseName property
            $date1 = [datetime]::ParseExact($file1.BaseName, 'yyyyMMddHHmmss', $null)
            $date2 = [datetime]::ParseExact($file2.BaseName, 'yyyyMMddHHmmss', $null)
            $noon  = Get-Date -Year $date1.Year -Month $date1.Month -Day $date1.Day -Hour 12 -Minute 0 -Second 0
            # get the time distance to 12:00 in seconds
            $dif1 = [math]::Abs(($date1 - $noon).TotalSeconds)
            $dif2 = [math]::Abs(($date2 - $noon).TotalSeconds)
            $fileToMove = if ($dif1 -lt $dif2) { $file1 } else { $file2 }
        # now move the file to its destination
        $fileToMove | Move-Item -Destination $destination -WhatIf


于 2020-01-12T21:28:50.137 回答