

但 Xamarin.iOS 升级到 13.6 并且它想要ios sdk 13.2xcode11.3.



MTOUCH : error MT0091: This version of Xamarin.iOS requires the iOS 13.2 SDK (shipped with Xcode 11.2). Either upgrade Xcode to get the required header files or set the managed linker behaviour to Link Framework SDKs Only in your project's iOS Build Options > Linker Behavior (to try to avoid the new APIs). [/Users/wellbye/repos/m/my/xamarin/mb.iOS/mb.iOS.csproj]


/Library/Frameworks/Xamarin.iOS.framework/Versions/ error MT4162: The type 'UIKit.IUIMenuBuilder' (used as a parameter in UIKit.UIResponder.BuildMenu) is not available in iOS 12.2 (it was introduced in iOS 13.0). Please build with a newer iOS SDK (usually done by using the most recent version of Xcode). [/Users/wellbye/repos/m/my/xamarin/mb.iOS/mb.iOS.csproj] /Library/Frameworks/Xamarin.iOS.framework/Versions/ error MT4162: The type 'UIKit.UICommand' (used as a parameter in UIKit.UIResponder.ValidateCommand) is not available in iOS 12.2 (it was introduced in iOS 13.0). Please build with a newer iOS SDK (usually done by using the most recent version of Xcode). [/Users/wellbye/repos/m/my/xamarin/mb.iOS/mb.iOS.csproj]

有没有办法挽救我的旧电脑以供 xamarin 开发?


1 回答 1



  1. 复制${xcode11}/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS13.2.sdk到旧xcode的相应位置。

  2. 复制${xcode11}/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/13.2到旧xcode的相应位置。

于 2020-01-14T07:43:55.750 回答