所以我在一个项目中使用了带有 umi js 和 antd 作为附加依赖项的 react js,
当我得到禁用 antd 表中每一行的任务时,我遇到了问题,
我试图阅读文档 antd 但一无所获,
/* eslint-disable */
import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef } from 'react';
import { Modal, Button, Select, message, Radio, Table, Alert } from 'antd';
import _ from 'lodash';
import axios from 'axios';
import cookies from 'js-cookie';
import {_getCurrentBusiness} from '../../../utils/utils_business';
import {formatMessage } from 'umi-plugin-locale';
function DeleteConfirm (props) {
const user_auth = cookies.getJSON('ckmsbp');
const business = _getCurrentBusiness();
const [radio, setRadio] = useState('all');
const [role, setRole] = useState(null);
const [chRole, setChrole] = useState(null); //changerole
const [btn, setBtn] = useState(false);
const isMounted = useRef(null);
const roleRef = useRef(null);
const spanAmount = {fontSize: '1rem', fontWeight: 500,marginLeft: '1rem'}
useEffect( () => {
isMounted.current = true;
return () => isMounted.current = false;
}, [])
useEffect( () => {
if(!_.isNil(props.roles)) {
const updateRole = _.filter(props.roles, r => !_.eq(r.id, props.role.id) );
setRole(updateRole); //tampil di select
}, [props.roles]);
const handleSubmit = async () => {
let accountMeta = {}
const body = {status: 'deleted'}
const params = { _id: props.role.id}
console.log('radio', radio);
if(_.eq(radio, 'all')){
if(_.isNil(chRole)) {
message.error('data can not empty')
props.chVisible(null); //close modal
_.forEach(props.account, async acc => {
let bus = [];
if( !_.isNil(acc.business) && _.isString(acc.business) ) bus = JSON.parse(acc.business);
const find = _.findIndex(bus, b => {
return _.eq(b._id, business._id) && _.eq(b.role_capability, props.role.id)
bus[find].role_capability = chRole;
acc.business = JSON.stringify(bus)
accountMeta = {
value : acc.business,
key : 'business',
account_id: acc._id
await axios.put(`${API}/account-meta`, accountMeta, { headers: { Authorization: user_auth.token}});
} else if( _.eq(radio, 'manual')){
} else if (_.eq(radio, 'delete')){
_.forEach(props.account, async acc => {
let bus = [];
if( !_.isNil(acc.business) && _.isString(acc.business) ) bus = JSON.parse(acc.business);
const find = _.findIndex(bus, b => _.eq(b._id, business._id) && _.eq(b.role_capability, props.role.id) )
if(_.gt(find, -1)){
acc.business = JSON.stringify([])
accountMeta = {
value : acc.business,
key : 'business',
account_id: acc._id
await axios.put(`${API}/account-meta`, accountMeta, { headers: { Authorization: user_auth.token}});
const deleteResult = await axios.put(`${API}/master`, body, { params, headers: { Authorization: user_auth.token}});
if(!_.isNil(deleteResult) && _.isObject(deleteResult.data)){
let no = 1;
let data = []
let updateRole = _.filter(props.roles, r => !_.eq(r.id, props.role.id));
_.map(updateRole, role => {
role.no = no;
props.data(data); //tampil di select
message.success('data updated!')
props.chVisible(null); //close modal
const onChange = (data) => {
const value = data.target.value
const roleChange = (data) => {
//props column diambil dari datasource
const columns = [
title : 'No',
dataIndex: 'no',
key : 'no',
title : 'Account\'s Name',
dataIndex: 'name',
key : 'name',
title : 'Change Role',
dataIndex: 'id',
key : 'action',
render : (text, data) => renderButton(text, data)
const handleClick = (e, data) => {
console.log('e', e);
console.log('data', data);
const rowClassName = (record, index) => {
console.log('record', record);
const renderButton = () => {
let arrayAllow = [];
key = '1'
size = "small"
placeholder = "select"
ref = {roleRef}
optionFilterProp = "children"
style = {{ width: 100 }}
onChange = {(e) => roleChange(e)} //handle change role
filterOption = {(input, option) => _.toLower(option.props.children).indexOf(_.toLower(input)) >= 0}
!_.isNil(role) && _.map(role, (newVal) => {
return (<Select.Option
key = {newVal.id}
title = {newVal.title}
value = {newVal.id}>{newVal.title}
arrayAllow.push( <Button
type = {!btn ? "danger" : "primary"}
key = '2'
icon = {!btn ? "close" : "redo"}
size = "small"
onClick = {(e) => handleClick(e, props.role.id)}
/> )
return arrayAllow
// R E N D E R I N G
title = {`${formatMessage({id: 'ROLE_MANAGEMENT.DELETE_CONFIRM_TITLE'})} ${props.role.title}`}
visible = {props.visible}
onOk = {() => handleSubmit()}
onCancel = {() => props.cancel(null) }
width = {800}
<p>{formatMessage({id : 'ROLE_MANAGEMENT.DELETE_CONFIRM_STATEMENT', title: props.role.title})}</p>
<div style={{marginBottom: '1rem'}}>
<Radio.Group onChange = {(e) => onChange(e)} value={radio}>
<Radio value="all" >Changed All of people </Radio>
<Radio value="manual">Changed people manually</Radio>
<Radio value="delete">Total delete </Radio>
{ _.eq(radio, 'all') &&
ref = {roleRef}
size = "large"
style = {{ width: 200 }}
placeholder = {formatMessage({id: 'ACCOUNT.PLCHOLDER_ROLE'})}
optionFilterProp = "children"
onChange = {(e) => roleChange(e)} //handle change role
filterOption = {(input, option) => _.toLower(option.props.children).indexOf(_.toLower(input)) >= 0}
!_.isNil(role) && _.map(role, (newVal) => {
return ( <Select.Option
key = {newVal.id}
title = {newVal.title}
value = {newVal.id}
</Select.Option> )
<span style={spanAmount}>{`Total amount of people which have role ${props.role.title} : ${_.size(props.account)}`}</span>
{ _.eq(radio, 'manual') && <Table
dataSource = {props.account}
rowClassName = {rowClassName}
columns = {columns}
pagination = {{ pageSize: 50 }}
scroll = {{ y: 250 }}
{ _.eq(radio, 'delete') && <Alert
message = "Attention!"
description = {formatMessage({id: 'ROLE_MANAGEMENT.DELETE_CONFIRM_DELETE'})}
type = "warning"
export default DeleteConfirm;