How do I import and use an .SO
file that I extracted from apk
I've used ctypes library in Linux but it gave me error on every way I tried it.
There are 2 version of the .so
files: arm64, and armeabi.
When i tried import the armeabi version, which is 32-bit, it gave me
wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32
and so I try the arm64, and somehow I got
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I can assure you it is not a typo path, I tried to copy it using the same path. but I cannot import it because no such file.
import ctypes
def main():
TestLib = ctypes.CDLL('/home/manalkaff/Desktop/arm64-v8a/')
if __name__ == '__main__':
Is this how I am supposed to do it? Or there is another way?