我是新的 Jbehave。我试图找到一种通过 Jbehave 实现黄瓜世界的方法。我使用 jbehave 和 pico 原型生成了项目。我试图并行运行两个故事。我将 pom.xml 中的线程更新为 2。考虑如下示例 stepdef 类

public class PojoSteps {

    public Pojo pojo;

    public PojoSteps(Pojo pojo){
        this.pojo = pojo;
        System.out.println(" @@" + new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()) + " * this is " + this + ". In PojoSteps constructor. Pojo created is:" + this.pojo + ". Thread = " + Thread.currentThread().getId());

    @Given("I have a pojo with $i")
    public void iHaveAPojoWith1(int i){
        System.out.println(" @@" + new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()) + " * this is " + this + ".In iHaveAPojoWith1. pojo = " + this.pojo +". Value of To be set = " + i +". Value set Pojo.getI() = " + this.pojo.getI() + ". Thread = " + Thread.currentThread().getId());

    @When("I wait for some time")
    public void randomWait() throws InterruptedException {
        Thread.sleep(new Random().nextInt(200));

    @Then("my pojo should still have $expectedi")
    public void myPojoShouldStillHave1(int expectedi){
        System.out.println(" @@" + new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()) + " * this is " + this +". In myPojoShouldStillHave1. pojo = " + this.pojo + ". expected = " + expectedi + ". actual = " + this.pojo.getI() + ". Thread = " + Thread.currentThread().getId());
        Assert.assertEquals(this.pojo.getI(), expectedi);

我有如下 Pojo 模型

  public class Pojo {

    private int i;

    public void setI(int i){
        this.i = i;

    public int getI(){
        return this.i;

我的两个故事如下 PojoOne.story

    Scenario: scenario description
       Given I have a pojo with 1
       When I wait for some time
       Then my pojo should still have 1


 Scenario: random description
     Given I have a pojo with 2
     When I wait for some time
     Then my pojo should still have 2

我有 MyStories 类,它扩展了 JUnitStories,如下所示

public class MyStories extends JUnitStories {
       private PicoContainer createPicoContainer() {
        MutablePicoContainer container = new DefaultPicoContainer(new Caching().wrap(new ConstructorInjection()));
        return container;


 @@2020-01-02 20:35:36.53 * this is learning.steps.PojoSteps@49f3f232. In PojoSteps constructor. Pojo created is:learning.Support.Pojo@4aa9e824. Thread = 12
 @@2020-01-02 20:35:36.531 * this is learning.steps.PojoSteps@49f3f232.In iHaveAPojoWith1. pojo = learning.Support.Pojo@4aa9e824. Value of To be set = 1. Value set Pojo.getI() = 1. Thread = 12
 @@2020-01-02 20:35:36.532 * this is learning.steps.PojoSteps@6136e035. In PojoSteps constructor. Pojo created is:learning.Support.Pojo@1f4412c8. Thread = 13
 @@2020-01-02 20:35:36.533 * this is learning.steps.PojoSteps@6136e035.In iHaveAPojoWith1. pojo = learning.Support.Pojo@1f4412c8. Value of To be set = 2. Value set Pojo.getI() = 2. Thread = 13
 @@2020-01-02 20:35:36.558 * this is learning.steps.PojoSteps@6136e035. In myPojoShouldStillHave1. pojo = learning.Support.Pojo@1f4412c8. expected = 1. actual = 2. Thread = 12
 @@2020-01-02 20:35:36.668 * this is learning.steps.PojoSteps@6136e035. In myPojoShouldStillHave1. pojo = learning.Support.Pojo@1f4412c8. expected = 2. actual = 2. Thread = 13

Then my pojo should still have 1 (FAILED)
(java.lang.AssertionError: expected:<2> but was:<1>)

我找不到有关如何与 Jbehave 和 pico 并行运行测试的文档。此外,我需要在我的 stepdef 类之外有一个模型,因为我将拥有多个共享同一个模型实例的 stefdef 类。


1 回答 1


在阅读更多内容并尝试使用 Spring 的 Jbehave 之后,1. 我认为没有办法让每个线程创建不同的 stepdef 实例。2. 在 Jbehave 中,没有相当于 cucumber 的world线程安全对象。

正如@VaL 在问题的评论中提到的那样,我们必须明确地使 thinks 线程安全。

这是我目前的理解。如果有更好的方法 - 请告诉我。

于 2020-01-08T06:04:57.900 回答