环境: NodeJS


我正在尝试将税率添加到我的 InvoiceItems,但似乎 Stripe 包不遵循 API 文档。


newInvoiceItem = await this.stripe.invoiceItems.create({
        customer: billingUser.billingData.customerID,
        currency: this.settings.currency.toLocaleLowerCase(),
        amount: Math.round(transaction.stop.roundedPrice * 100),
        description: description,
        tax_rates: defaultTax
      }, {
        idempotency_key: idemPotencyKey.keyNewInvoiceItem

文档说有一个tax_rates字段可用,但该字段不在 Stripe 包中。


TS2769: No overload matches this call. 
Overload 1 of 2, '(data: InvoiceItemCreationOptions, options: HeaderOptions, response?: IResponseFn<InvoiceItem>): Promise<InvoiceItem>', gave the following error.     Argument of type '{ customer: string; currency: string; amount: number; description: string; tax_rates: ITaxRate; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'InvoiceItemCreationOptions'.       Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'tax_rates' does not exist in type 'InvoiceItemCreationOptions'.   
Overload 2 of 2, '(data: InvoiceItemCreationOptions, response?: IResponseFn<InvoiceItem>): Promise<InvoiceItem>', gave the following error.     Argument of type '{ customer: string; currency: string; amount: number; description: string; tax_rates: ITaxRate; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'InvoiceItemCreationOptions'.       Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'tax_rates' does not exist in type 'InvoiceItemCreationOptions'

InvoiceItemCreationOptions在模块 Stripe (index.d.ts)中看到的可用字段:

amount?: number;
currency: string;
customer: string;
description?: string;
discountable?: boolean;
invoice?: string;
quantity?: number;
subscription?: string;
unit_amount?: number;

我当前的 Stripe 模块版本是 7.13.19(最新版本来自npm i @types/stripe



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