我正在使用 apex 动态图表Apex 动态图表

而且我被困在 ajax 调用和图表渲染部分。有国家条形图。当我单击国家/地区栏时,选定的 countryID 将传递给下面的 updateStacked100Chart 函数(使用 countryID 调用 ajax webapi),以在 stack100 顶点图表中获取该国家/地区的区域数据。在ajax调用完成之前先渲染一个空的stacked100 apex Chart。我该如何解决?

 //sourceChart=CountryBarChart,destChartIDToUpdate=Stacked100RegionYearChart(Chart to be updated based on country bar selected)
        function updateStacked100Chart(sourceChart, destChartIDToUpdate) {
            var series = [];
            var seriesIndex = 0;
           var categorySource = [];
            var color = ['#008FFB', '#00E396', '#FEB019', '#FF4560', '#775DD0', '#00D9E9', '#FF66C3'];

            if (sourceChart.w.globals.selectedDataPoints[0]) {
                //Get selected country bar in CountryBarChart
                var selectedPoints = sourceChart.w.globals.selectedDataPoints;
                for (var i = 0; i < selectedPoints[seriesIndex].length; i++) {
                    var selectedIndex = selectedPoints[seriesIndex][i];
                    var selectedCountry = sourceChart.w.globals.labels[selectedIndex];
                        url: "http://localhost:51604/api/Sales/GetSalesByRegion",
                        type: "Get",
                        dataType: "json",
                        cache: false,
                        data: {

                            "CountryId": selectedCountry,
                            "page": 0,
                            "limit": 0

                        success: function (data) {
                            // Prepare series &  xaxis category data for stacked100 region chart
                            $.each(data.salesByRegQuery, function (index, item) {
                                        name: item.EnglishProductCategoryName,
                                        data: item.Total_Margin


                        complete: function (data) {


                        error: function (data) {


                //These lines of codes below get executed first before ajax call is completed.
                if (series.length === 0) series = [{
                    data: []
                //So, region stacked100 apex chart source data for series and xaxis aren't updated
                return ApexCharts.exec(destChartIDToUpdate, 'updateOptions', {
                    series: series,
                    xaxis: categorySource,
                    colors: color,
                    fill: {
                        colors: color


1 回答 1


这是因为 Ajax 默认是异步的。您应该在“成功”部分调用渲染。所以你可以肯定,那个“系列”数组有数据。

于 2020-02-13T06:52:36.853 回答