我正在尝试在一个简单的 node.js 应用程序中发送一封电子邮件,其中包含刚刚使用 log4js 创建的日志文件。我可以用 sendgrid 发送一封电子邮件,它有一个附件,但附件是空的。任何帮助,将不胜感激。这是 app.js 代码:
const fs = require('fs');
const sub = require('./app-sub');
const log = require('./logger').logger.getLogger('app');
// Make some log entries out to console and to app.log
log.info('Start test1')
log.trace("trace message")
log.debug("Some debug messages");
log.info("some info")
log.warn("a warning")
log.error("an error")
log.fatal("a fatal error")
// Call a function in another file to test
log.info('End test1')
// Send email with log as attachment
const sgMail = require('@sendgrid/mail');
// Read log file base 64
path = 'app.log';
attachment = fs.readFileSync(path, { encoding: 'base64' });
const msg = {
to: 'dgarvin57@gmail.com',
from: 'darvin57@gmail.com',
subject: 'Test email 1',
text: 'Results sent from log_test',
html: '<strong>and easy to do anywhere, even with Node.js</strong>',
attachments: [
content: attachment,
filename: 'app.log',
type: 'text/html', // plain/text application/pdf
disposition: 'attachment',
content_id: 'app.log'
// inline, attachment
.then(result => { })
.catch(err => console.log(err.response.body));
和 logger.js 中的 log4js 记录器配置:
const log4js = require('log4js');
const level = process.env.NODE_LOGGING_LEVEL || 'debug';
appenders: {
app: { type: 'file', filename: 'app.log', flags: 'w' },
out: { type: 'stdout' },
categories: { default: { appenders: ['out', 'app'], level: level } }
module.exports.logger = log4js;
当我运行它时,我会在终端和与 app.js 相同的文件夹中的 app.log 文件中看到日志输出:
[2019-12-25T15:43:46.677] [INFO] app - ******************************
[2019-12-25T15:43:46.679] [INFO] app - Start test1
[2019-12-25T15:43:46.680] [INFO] app -
[2019-12-25T15:43:46.688] [DEBUG] app - Some debug messages
[2019-12-25T15:43:46.689] [INFO] app - some info
[2019-12-25T15:43:46.690] [WARN] app - a warning
[2019-12-25T15:43:46.691] [ERROR] app - an error
[2019-12-25T15:43:46.691] [FATAL] app - a fatal error
[2019-12-25T15:43:46.692] [INFO] app - some info from app-sub
[2019-12-25T15:43:46.692] [INFO] app -
[2019-12-25T15:43:46.692] [INFO] app - ******************************
[2019-12-25T15:43:46.693] [INFO] app - End test1
该电子邮件将发送到我的 gmail 帐户,并带有一个名为 app.log 的附件。但是当我打开它时,它是空白的。因此,不确定在发送电子邮件时我是否在文本文件或附件部分的 base64 转换上失败。提前致谢。