我无法获取 USB 设备的字符串描述符。我正在寻找的是人类友好的制造商和产品名称。我使用 libusb-1.0 作为后端,并且能够使用提供的 libusb 测试程序获取制造商名称,所以我知道它存在。
PyUSB 帮助文件说您可以使用以下命令访问usb_get_string_simple
(从 libusb 后端):
Retrieve a string descriptor from the device. dev is the Device object to which the request will be sent to. length is the length of string in number of characters. index is the string descriptor index and langid is the Language ID of the descriptor. If langid is omitted, the string descriptor of the first Language ID will be returned. The return value is the unicode string present in the descriptor.
import usb
busses = usb.busses()
for bus in busses:
devices = bus.devices
for dev in devices:
_name = usb.util.get_string(dev.dev,256,0) #This is where I'm having trouble
print "device name=",_name
print "Device:", dev.filename
print " Device class:",dev.deviceClass
print " Device sub class:",dev.deviceSubClass
print " Device protocol:",dev.deviceProtocol
print " Max packet size:",dev.maxPacketSize
print " idVendor:",hex(dev.idVendor)
print " idProduct:",hex(dev.idProduct)
print " Device Version:",dev.deviceVersion
for config in dev.configurations:
print " Configuration:", config.value
print " Total length:", config.totalLength
print " selfPowered:", config.selfPowered
print " remoteWakeup:", config.remoteWakeup
print " maxPower:", config.maxPower
for intf in config.interfaces:
print " Interface:",intf[0].interfaceNumber
for alt in intf:
print " Alternate Setting:",alt.alternateSetting
print " Interface class:",alt.interfaceClass
print " Interface sub class:",alt.interfaceSubClass
print " Interface protocol:",alt.interfaceProtocol
for ep in alt.endpoints:
print " Endpoint:",hex(ep.address)
print " Type:",ep.type
print " Max packet size:",ep.maxPacketSize
print " Interval:",ep.interval