我正在尝试解决防火墙创建分为两个部分的约束,创建一个过滤器并基于过滤器创建规则。过滤器创建公开了应该在 fw 规则创建中使用的过滤器 ID。我不知道如何正确地遍历具有过滤器和规则值的映射并包含新创建的过滤器。如果我只使用带有名称和表达式的简单地图,一切正常,但如果我添加规则优先级,这里就是我的地图

variable "fw_allowfilters1" {
  description = "list of expressions for firewall to be included in the allow rules"
  type = map(object({
  fvalue = string
  priority = number

default = {
"office_filter1" = [
    fvalue = "ip.geoip.asnum eq 111111"
    priority = 1

 "office_filter2" = [
    fvalue = "ip.src eq"
    priority = 3


resource "cloudflare_filter" "allow-filters1" {
for_each = var.fw_allowfilters1
zone_id = var.zoneid
expression = each.value.fvalue
description = each.key
//description = [for o in var.fw_allowfilters1: "Filter_${var.fw_allowfilters1.name}"]
//expression = [for o in var.fw_allowfilters1: var.fw_allowfilters1.value]

resource "cloudflare_firewall_rule" "whitelist-rule" {
for_each = cloudflare_filter.allow-filters1
action = "allow"
filter_id =  tostring(each.value.id)
zone_id = var.zoneid
description = [for p in var.fw_allowfilters1.name: p.name ]
priority = [for p in var.fw_allowfilters1.priority: p.priority  ]

现在,如果我不包括优先级,我可以在创建防火墙时对过滤器输出执行 for_each,使用来自资源的 id 输出和用于描述的键(cf tf 提供程序使用描述作为名称)但是,如果我需要添加键,我需要使用值加上作为过滤器创建输出的 id 来遍历地图,但我不确定如何正确映射它。代码目前不起作用。


1 回答 1


所以我想通了,这并不容易:) 使用本地人帮助我创建了适当的迭代器:

resource "cloudflare_filter" "filters1" {
for_each = var.fw_rules
zone_id = var.zoneid
description = "Filter_${tostring(each.key)}"
expression = tostring(each.value[0])
locals {
filterids = [for f in cloudflare_filter.filters1 : f.id] //putting filter 
IDs into a separate list for concat later
fwvalues = (values(var.fw_rules)) // putting values from the map of fwvalues into 
a separate list to use the index position of a particular value as an interator when 
creating commong object that has both filterid and fwvalues
fwkeys = (keys(var.fw_rules)) //putting keys into a separate list
//iterating over all elements in the allowfilters1, combining existing lists in the 
variable with the ID value and readding the key as an element in the list
withid3 = {for p in var.fw_rules : local.fwkeys[index(local.fwvalues, p.*)] => 
concat(p, list(local.filterids[index(local.fwvalues, 
p.*)]),list(local.fwkeys[index(local.fwvalues, p.*)]))} //working version

resource "cloudflare_firewall_rule" "fw-rules" {
for_each = local.withid3
action = each.value[2]
filter_id =  each.value[4]
paused = each.value[3]
zone_id = var.zoneid
description = "FW-${tostring(each.value[2])}-${tostring(each.key)}"
priority = each.value[1]

其中变量是这样的: // 语法如下: 规则名称(尽量精确 = [ 表达式,优先级,操作,禁用 - 布尔值] - 所有值都应该是字符串,确保正确终止引号允许值动作有:block、challenge、js_challenge、allow、log、bypass 列表必须根据规则优先级维护

variable "fw_rules" {
  description = "list of expressions for firewall to be included in therules"
  type = map
  default = {
    office_allow = ["putexpressionhere","1","allow","false"],
    office_allow1 = ["putexpressionhere1","2","deny","false"]
于 2019-12-31T01:33:22.153 回答