我在网格视图中显示数据。其中绑定了一个链接。在该链接按钮事件上,将显示一个 ajax 模式弹出窗口。该模式弹出窗口包含一个 windows 媒体播放器控件和一个转发器控件。Repeater contains the audio files, and when select 1 of them, that file will played in that player control. 问题是,当音频文件处于播放模式并且模式弹出窗口关闭时,该音频文件将保持播放模式,直到没有发生任何其他服务器端事件。- 关闭弹出窗口时如何停止该文件?请帮忙。提前致谢。
998 次
1 回答
Ajax is for server requests not pop-up windows so i'm a little confused about what you are asking.
If you want to stop playback of the audio file once the pop-up window is closed you could try to use a onclose
event handler to stop the playback. This would only work if javascipt can interact with the media player.
于 2009-02-27T11:00:43.577 回答