我想将图片大小从 600px * 500px 减小到 60px * 50px 大小,然后将其裁剪为 50px *50px。我有两组代码,一组是缩小图像的大小,另一组是裁剪图像。问题是它们是分开工作的,如何将这两组代码组合起来使它们一起工作?以下是我的代码:
//codes of group A - Reduce the size of image from 600px * 500px to 60px * 50px
$save2 = "images/users/" . $image_name_2; //This is the new file you saving
list($width2, $height2) = getimagesize($file) ;
$modwidth2 = 50;
$diff2 = $width2 / $modwidth2;
$modheight2 = $height2 / $diff2;
$tn2 = imagecreatetruecolor($modwidth2, $modheight2) ;
$image2 = imagecreatefromjpeg($file) ;
imagecopyresampled($tn2, $image2, 0, 0, 0, 0, $modwidth2, $modheight2, $width2, $height2) ;
imagejpeg($tn2, $save2, 100) ;
//codes of group B - Crop the image from 60px * 50px to 50px * 50px
$save3 = "images/users/" . $image_name_3;
list($width3, $height3) = getimagesize($file) ;
$modwidth3 = 60;
$diff3 = $width3 / $modwidth3;
$modheight3 = $height3 / $diff3;
$left = 0;
$top = 0;
$cropwidth = 50; //thumb size
$cropheight = 50;
$tn3 = imagecreatetruecolor($cropwidth, $cropheight) ;
$image3 = imagecreatefromjpeg($file) ;
imagecopyresampled($tn3, $image3, 0, 0, $left, $top, $cropwidth, $cropheight, $modwidth3, $modheight3) ;
imagejpeg($tn3, $save3, 100) ; //save the cropped image