I'm confused as to why this is failing. I'm trying to directly replace a DIV completely with replaceWith from jquery.
i've tried bunch of variation, but either nothing gets updated. or if i try outerhtml [object HTMLDivElement] instead of the html. (which means I'm for sure working with a node, right? which means replaceWith() should work?).
I'm iterating through an array of currently displayed 'cardObjects', and comparing it to an identically structured incoming array (it's a sorted ordered list). the object's.html is the node element. and the object's.target is pointing to the element's id.
function cardConstructor(item)
var cardDiv = constructElement('div', "queCard", "machine"+item.machineID+"ID"+item.ID, "");
//more html stuff gets appended to this element, but not relevant for problem
cardObject =
ID: item.ID,
machineID: item.machineID,
lastID: item.lastID,
nextID: item.nextID,
jobID: item.jobID,
target: cardDiv.id, //string
html: cardDiv //node
return cardObject;
// here is where the problem is -
//it is in an update loop,
//this is failing
else if(inc[y].ID != current[y].ID)
console.log("ids do not match, splicing and replacing");
console.log("current y target is:");
console.log(current[y].target); //334 ---console output
var updateTarget = document.getElementById(current[y].target);
console.log("old html"); //337
console.log(updateTarget); //338
console.log("new html"); //339
console.log(inc[y].html); //340
console.log("update target updated: as"); //343
console.log(updateTarget); //344
current.splice(y,1, inc[y]);
the console.log output is:
current y target is:
machinewindow.php:334 machine1ID775
machinewindow.php:337 old html
machinewindow.php:338 <div class="queCard" id="machine1ID775"><div class="queCardTitle" id="Titlemachine1ID775"><div class="itter" id="itterDiv+1machine1ID775">1</div><button class="completeBtn" id="complete775" value="775">complete</button></div><div class="queCardBody" id="Bodymachine1ID775">…</div><div class="queCardFooterW" id="queCardFooterWmachine1ID775">…</div></div>
machinewindow.php:339 new html
machinewindow.php:340 <div class="queCard" id="machine1ID774"><div class="queCardTitle" id="Titlemachine1ID774">…</div><div class="queCardBody" id="Bodymachine1ID774">…</div><div class="queCardFooterW" id="queCardFooterWmachine1ID774">…</div></div>
machinewindow.php:343 update target updated: as
machinewindow.php:344 <div class="queCard" id="machine1ID775"><div class="queCardTitle" id="Titlemachine1ID775">…</div><div class="queCardBody" id="Bodymachine1ID775">…</div><div class="queCardFooterW" id="queCardFooterWmachine1ID775">…</div></div>
here as shown in the console.log we get no updated div. if i instead try updateTarget.outerHTML = inc[y].html - then I get [object HTMLDivElement] on the browser window.
I've tried a few iterations - and I'm a bit lost as to why this isn't working. the object.html is a node, but won't replace another node with replaceWith();
I'm probably missing something.
also below is that constructElement function by request.
function constructElement(element, styleClass, type, data)
var ele = document.createElement(element);
ele.setAttribute("class", styleClass);
ele.setAttribute("id", type);
ele.innerHTML = data;
return ele;