I have gotten the Push Demo from here to work in the simulators.

When I tried it on a blackberry device (BlackBerry Bold 9000) with the UrbanAirship Test Push messages, I was not able to receive any push notifications.

Things that I have done so far are: * Changed the push port from 100 to 29580 * Added the application id as an attribute to the widget element in config.xml * The application has been signed before uploaded to the phone. * I'm assuming no errors in the code because both start/stop subscribe alert messages appear on app start/button click * There is no indication of network activity when a test message has been sent by UrbanAirship.

My config.xml file looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<widget xmlns:rim="http://www.blackberry.com/ns/widgets" version="1.0.0" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/ns/widgets" id="{app_id}">
    <name>Push Example</name>
    <description>Samples of code</description>
    <author href="http://www.rim.com/" rim:copyright="no copyright" email="webapi@rim.com">
    Research in Motion - Web API Team
    </author><content src="index.htm" />
    <feature id="blackberry.system" required="true" version="" />
    <feature id="blackberry.app" required="true" version="" />
    <feature id="blackberry.invoke.JavaArguments" required="true" version="" />
    <feature id="blackberry.invoke.CalendarArguments" required="true" version="" />
    <feature id="blackberry.invoke" required="true" version="" />
    <feature id="blackberry.push" version="1.0.0"/>
    <feature id="blackberry.identity" version="1.0.0"/>
    <feature id="blackberry.utils" required="true" version="" />
    <rim:connection timeout="30000">
    <license href="http://www.license.com">This is a sample license</license>

The action.js file looks like this:

//the port that the Push Listener will listen to on the MDS
//Open the rimpublic.property file, which is located in the MDS\config subdirectory
//of your BlackBerry Email and MDS Services Simulators installation directory.
//Ensure the "push.application.reliable.ports=100" line is NOT commented out.
var port = 29580;

function subscribe() {
    //open the listener to listen if there is pushed data coming through
    blackberry.push.openPushListener(handleReturnData, port);
    try {
        alert("push listening has started. push port = ("+port+") app id = (" + blackberry.app.id + ") pin = ("+blackberry.identity.PIN+")");
    } catch (e) {
        alert (e);

//handleReturnData - the function to call for the event of pushed data coming through
//port - the port to listen on
function handleReturnData(data) {
    try {
        if (data != null) {
            var text = blackberry.utils.blobToString(data.payload);
            alert("text recieved from push: " + text);
        } else {
            alert("No data from the push");
    } catch (e) {
        alert (e);

function unsubscribe() {
    //stop listening for pushed data, a clean up step
    alert("Push listening has stopped");

Finally, my index.html file looks like this:

        <title>Push Example</title>
        <script src="Scripts/action.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
        <link href="Styles/styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <body onload="javascript&colon;subscribe();">
        <button id="btnUnsubscribe" onclick="unsubscribe();">Unsubscribe</button>

Would anyone know what could be wrong with my code/configuration?

Cheers, Stephen


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