I've been using the REDCapR package to read in data from my survey form. I was reading in the data with no issue using redcap_read until I realized I needed to add a field restriction to one question on my survey. Initially it was a short answer field asking users how many of something they had, and people were doing expectedly annoying things like spelling out numbers or entering "a few" instead of a number. But all of that data read in fine. I changed the field to be a short answer field (same type as before) that requires the response to be an integer and now the data won't read into R using redcap_read.
When I run:
redcap_read(redcap_uri=uri, token=api_token)$data
I get the error message that:
Column [name of my column] can't be converted from numeric to character
I also noticed when I looked at the data that that it read in the 1st and 6th records of that column (both zeros) just fine (out of 800+ records), but everything else is NA. Is there an inherent problem with trying to read in data from a text field restricted to an integer or is there another way to do this?
Edit: it also reads the dates fine, which are text fields with a date field restriction. This seems to be very specific to reading in the validated numbers from the text field.
I also tried redcapAPI::exportRecords and it will continue to read in the rest of the dataset, but reads in NA for all values in the column with the test restriction.