我刚刚注意到我的一个 Web 目录中有一些奇怪的 PHP 文件。它们原来是垃圾邮件发送者放置的漏洞利用文件。

他们从 2006 年就开始了,那时我正在使用我的 CGI 脚本进行一场备受瞩目的捐赠活动。并且文件被放置在脚本的可写目录中,所以我怀疑我的脚本可能已被某种方式利用。

但是我正在使用 Perl “污点检查”、严格等,而且我从不将查询数据传递给 shell(它从不调用 shell!)或使用查询数据为 OPEN 生成文件路径......我只我直接在脚本中指定的 OPEN 文件。我确实将查询数据作为文件内容传递到写入文件中,但据我所知,这并不危险。

我盯着这些脚本看,什么也看不到,而且我研究了所有标准的 Perl CGI 漏洞。当然,他们可能以某种方式获得了我的主机帐户的密码,但这些脚本被放置在我的 CGI 脚本数据目录中的事实让我怀疑该脚本。(此外,他们“以某种方式”获取我的密码是一个更可怕的解释。)而且,大约在那个时候,我的日志显示了许多“警告,IPN 从非 PayPal 地址收到”消息,这些 IP 来自俄罗斯。所以似乎有人至少试图破解这些脚本。


这是第一个脚本(用于接收 PayPal IPN 和跟踪捐款,以及跟踪哪个网站产生的捐款最多):

#!/usr/bin/perl -wT

# Created by Jason Rohrer, December 2005
# Copied basic structure and PayPal protocol code from DonationTracker v0.1

# Script settings

# Basic settings

# email address this script is tracking payments for
my $receiverEmail = "receiver\@yahoo.com"; 

# This script must have write permissions to BOTH of its DataDirectories.
# It must be able to create files in these directories.
# On most web servers, this means the directory must be world-writable.
# (  chmod a+w donationData  )
# These paths are relative to the location of the script.
my $pubDataDirectory =  "../goliath";
my $privDataDirectory = "../../cgi-data/donationNet";

# If this $privDataDirectory setting is changed, you must also change it below
# where the error LOG is opened

# end of Basic settings

# Advanced settings
# Ignore these unless you know what you are doing.

# where the log of incoming donations is stored
my $donationLogFile =   "$privDataDirectory/donationLog.txt";

# location of public data generated by this script
my $overallSumFile =    "$pubDataDirectory/overallSum.html";
my $overallCountFile =  "$pubDataDirectory/donationCount.html";
my $topSiteListFile =       "$pubDataDirectory/topSiteList.html";

# private data tracking which donation total coming from each site
my $siteTrackingFile =  "$privDataDirectory/siteTracking.txt";

# Where non-fatal errors and other information is logged
my $logFile =           "$privDataDirectory/log.txt";

# IP of notify.paypal.com
# used as cheap security to make sure IPN is only coming from PayPal
my $paypalNotifyIP =    "";

# setup a local error log
use CGI::Carp qw( carpout );

    # location of the error log
    my $errorLogLocation = "../../cgi-data/donationNet/errors.log";

    use CGI::Carp qw( carpout );
    open( LOG, ">>$errorLogLocation" ) or
        die( "Unable to open $errorLogLocation: $!\n" );
    carpout( LOG );

# end of Advanced settings

# end of script settings

use strict;
use CGI;                # Object-Oriented CGI library

# setup stuff, make sure our needed files are initialized
if( not doesFileExist( $overallSumFile ) ) {
    writeFile( $overallSumFile, "0" );
if( not doesFileExist( $overallCountFile ) ) {
    writeFile( $overallCountFile, "0" );
if( not doesFileExist( $topSiteListFile ) ) {
    writeFile( $topSiteListFile, "" );
if( not doesFileExist( $siteTrackingFile ) ) {
    writeFile( $siteTrackingFile, "" );

# allow group to write to our data files
umask( oct( "02" ) );

# create object to extract the CGI query elements

my $cgiQuery = CGI->new();

# always at least send an HTTP OK header
print $cgiQuery->header( -type=>'text/html', -expires=>'now',
                         -Cache_control=>'no-cache' );

my $remoteAddress = $cgiQuery->remote_host();

my $action = $cgiQuery->param( "action" ) || '';

# first, check if our count/sum is being queried by another script
if( $action eq "checkResults" ) {
    my $sum = readTrimmedFileValue( $overallSumFile );
    my $count = readTrimmedFileValue( $overallCountFile );

    print "$count \$$sum";
elsif( $remoteAddress eq $paypalNotifyIP ) {

    my $donorName;

    # $customField contains URL of site that received donation
    my $customField = $cgiQuery->param( "custom" ) || '';

    # untaint and find whitespace-free string (assume it's a URL)
    ( my $siteURL ) = ( $customField =~ /(\S+)/ );

    my $amount = $cgiQuery->param( "mc_gross" ) || '';

    my $currency = $cgiQuery->param( "mc_currency" ) || '';

    my $fee = $cgiQuery->param( "mc_fee" ) || '0';

    my $date = $cgiQuery->param( "payment_date" ) || '';

    my $transactionID = $cgiQuery->param( "txn_id" ) || '';

    # these are for our private log only, for tech support, etc.
    # this information should not be stored in a web-accessible
    # directory
    my $payerFirstName = $cgiQuery->param( "first_name" ) || '';
    my $payerLastName = $cgiQuery->param( "last_name" ) || '';
    my $payerEmail = $cgiQuery->param( "payer_email" ) || '';

    # only track US Dollars 
    # (can't add apples to oranges to get a final sum)
    if( $currency eq "USD" ) {

    my $status = $cgiQuery->param( "payment_status" ) || '';

    my $completed = $status eq "Completed";
    my $pending = $status eq "Pending";
    my $refunded = $status eq "Refunded";

    if( $completed or $pending or $refunded ) {

        # write all relevant payment info into our private log
        addToFile( $donationLogFile,
               "$transactionID  $date\n" . 
               "From: $payerFirstName $payerLastName " .
               "($payerEmail)\n" .
               "Amount: \$$amount\n" .
               "Fee: \$$fee\n" .
               "Status: $status\n\n" );                    

        my $netDonation;

        if( $refunded ) {
        # subtract from total sum

        my $oldSum = 
            readTrimmedFileValue( $overallSumFile );

        # both the refund amount and the
        # fee on the refund are now reported as negative
        # this changed as of February 13, 2004
        $netDonation = $amount - $fee;
        my $newSum = $oldSum + $netDonation;

        # format to show 2 decimal places
        my $newSumString = sprintf( "%.2f", $newSum );

        writeFile( $overallSumFile, $newSumString );

        my $oldCount = readTrimmedFileValue( $overallCountFile );
        my $newCount = $oldCount - 1;
        writeFile( $overallCountFile, $newCount );


        # This check no longer needed as of February 13, 2004
        # since now only one IPN is sent for a refund.
        # ignore negative completed transactions, since
        # they are reported for each refund (in addition to 
        # the payment with Status: Refunded)
        if( $completed and $amount > 0 ) {
        # fee has not been subtracted yet
        # (fee is not reported for Pending transactions)

        my $oldSum = 
            readTrimmedFileValue( $overallSumFile );
                $netDonation = $amount - $fee;
        my $newSum = $oldSum + $netDonation;

        # format to show 2 decimal places
        my $newSumString = sprintf( "%.2f", $newSum );

        writeFile( $overallSumFile, $newSumString );

        my $oldCount = readTrimmedFileValue( 
                             $overallCountFile );
        my $newCount = $oldCount + 1;
        writeFile( $overallCountFile, $newCount );

        if( $siteURL =~ /http:\/\/\S+/ ) {
        # a valid URL

        # track the total donations of this site
        my $siteTrackingText = readFileValue( $siteTrackingFile );
        my @siteDataList = split( /\n/, $siteTrackingText );
        my $newSiteData = "";
        my $exists = 0;
        foreach my $siteData ( @siteDataList ) {
            ( my $url, my $siteSum ) = split( /\s+/, $siteData );
            if( $url eq $siteURL ) {
            $exists = 1;
            $siteSum += $netDonation;
            $newSiteData = $newSiteData . "$url $siteSum\n";

        if( not $exists ) {
            $newSiteData = $newSiteData . "$siteURL $netDonation";

        trimWhitespace( $newSiteData );

        writeFile( $siteTrackingFile, $newSiteData );

        # now generate the top site list

        # our comparison routine, descending order
        sub highestTotal {
            ( my $url_a, my $total_a ) = split( /\s+/, $a );
            ( my $url_b, my $total_b ) = split( /\s+/, $b );
            return $total_b <=> $total_a;

        my @newSiteDataList = split( /\n/, $newSiteData );

        my @sortedList = sort highestTotal @newSiteDataList;

        my $listHTML = "<TABLE BORDER=0>\n";
        foreach my $siteData ( @sortedList ) {
            ( my $url, my $siteSum ) = split( /\s+/, $siteData );

            # format to show 2 decimal places
            my $siteSumString = sprintf( "%.2f", $siteSum );

            $listHTML = $listHTML .
            "<TR><TD><A HREF=\"$url\">$url</A></TD>".
            "<TD ALIGN=RIGHT>\$$siteSumString</TD></TR>\n";

        $listHTML = $listHTML . "</TABLE>";

        writeFile( $topSiteListFile, $listHTML );


    else {
        addToFile( $logFile, "Payment status unexpected\n" );
        addToFile( $logFile, "status = $status\n" );
    else {
    addToFile( $logFile, "Currency not USD\n" );
    addToFile( $logFile, "currency = $currency\n" );
else {
    # else not from paypal, so it might be a user accessing the script
    # URL directly for some reason

    my $customField = $cgiQuery->param( "custom" ) || '';
    my $date = $cgiQuery->param( "payment_date" ) || '';
    my $transactionID = $cgiQuery->param( "txn_id" ) || '';
    my $amount = $cgiQuery->param( "mc_gross" ) || '';

    my $payerFirstName = $cgiQuery->param( "first_name" ) || '';
    my $payerLastName = $cgiQuery->param( "last_name" ) || '';
    my $payerEmail = $cgiQuery->param( "payer_email" ) || '';

    my $fee = $cgiQuery->param( "mc_fee" ) || '0';
    my $status = $cgiQuery->param( "payment_status" ) || '';

    # log it
    addToFile( $donationLogFile,
           "WARNING:  got IPN from unexpected IP address\n" .
           "IP address:  $remoteAddress\n" .
           "$transactionID  $date\n" . 
           "From: $payerFirstName $payerLastName " .
           "($payerEmail)\n" .
           "Amount: \$$amount\n" .
           "Fee: \$$fee\n" .
           "Status: $status\n\n" );

    # print an error page
    print "Request blocked.";

# Reads file as a string.
# @param0 the name of the file.
# @return the file contents as a string.
# Example:
# my $value = readFileValue( "myFile.txt" );
sub readFileValue {
    my $fileName = $_[0];
    open( FILE, "$fileName" ) 
        or die( "Failed to open file $fileName: $!\n" );
    flock( FILE, 1 ) 
        or die( "Failed to lock file $fileName: $!\n" );

    my @lineList = <FILE>;

    my $value = join( "", @lineList );

    close FILE;

    return $value;

# Reads file as a string, trimming leading and trailing whitespace off.
# @param0 the name of the file.
# @return the trimmed file contents as a string.
# Example:
# my $value = readFileValue( "myFile.txt" );
sub readTrimmedFileValue {
    my $returnString = readFileValue( $_[0] );
    trimWhitespace( $returnString );

    return $returnString;

# Writes a string to a file.
# @param0 the name of the file.
# @param1 the string to print.
# Example:
# writeFile( "myFile.txt", "the new contents of this file" );
sub writeFile {
    my $fileName = $_[0];
    my $stringToPrint = $_[1];

    open( FILE, ">$fileName" ) 
        or die( "Failed to open file $fileName: $!\n" );
    flock( FILE, 2 ) 
        or die( "Failed to lock file $fileName: $!\n" );

    print FILE $stringToPrint;

    close FILE;

# Checks if a file exists in the filesystem.
# @param0 the name of the file.
# @return 1 if it exists, and 0 otherwise.
# Example:
# $exists = doesFileExist( "myFile.txt" );
sub doesFileExist {
    my $fileName = $_[0];
    if( -e $fileName ) {
        return 1;
    else {
        return 0;

# Trims any whitespace from the beginning and end of a string.
# @param0 the string to trim.
sub trimWhitespace {   

    # trim from front of string
    $_[0] =~ s/^\s+//;

    # trim from end of string
    $_[0] =~ s/\s+$//;

# Appends a string to a file.
# @param0 the name of the file.
# @param1 the string to append.
# Example:
# addToFile( "myFile.txt", "the new contents of this file" );
sub addToFile {
    my $fileName = $_[0];
    my $stringToPrint = $_[1];

    open( FILE, ">>$fileName" ) 
        or die( "Failed to open file $fileName: $!\n" );
    flock( FILE, 2 ) 
        or die( "Failed to lock file $fileName: $!\n" );

    print FILE $stringToPrint;

    close FILE;

# Makes a directory file.
# @param0 the name of the directory.
# @param1 the octal permission mask.
# Example:
# makeDirectory( "myDir", oct( "0777" ) );
sub makeDirectory {
    my $fileName = $_[0];
    my $permissionMask = $_[1];

    mkdir( $fileName, $permissionMask );

而且,这里有一些冗余(抱歉......完整性?),但这是第二个脚本(用于生成人们可以添加到自己网站的网站 HTML 按钮):

#!/usr/bin/perl -wT

# Created by Jason Rohrer, December 2005

# Script settings

# Basic settings

my $templateFile = "buttonTemplate.html";

# end of Basic settings

# Advanced settings
# Ignore these unless you know what you are doing.

# setup a local error log
use CGI::Carp qw( carpout );

    # location of the error log
    my $errorLogLocation = "../../cgi-data/donationNet/errors.log";

    use CGI::Carp qw( carpout );
    open( LOG, ">>$errorLogLocation" ) or
        die( "Unable to open $errorLogLocation: $!\n" );
    carpout( LOG );

# end of Advanced settings

# end of script settings

use strict;
use CGI;                # Object-Oriented CGI library

# create object to extract the CGI query elements

my $cgiQuery = CGI->new();

# always at least send an HTTP OK header
print $cgiQuery->header( -type=>'text/html', -expires=>'now',
                         -Cache_control=>'no-cache' );

my $siteURL = $cgiQuery->param( "site_url" ) || '';

print "Paste this HTML into your website:<BR>\n";

print "<FORM><TEXTAREA COLS=40 ROWS=10>\n";

my $buttonTemplate = readFileValue( $templateFile );

$buttonTemplate =~ s/SITE_URL/$siteURL/g;

# escape all tags
$buttonTemplate =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
$buttonTemplate =~ s/</&lt;/g;
$buttonTemplate =~ s/>/&gt;/g;

print $buttonTemplate;

print "\n</TEXTAREA></FORM>";

# Reads file as a string.
# @param0 the name of the file.
# @return the file contents as a string.
# Example:
# my $value = readFileValue( "myFile.txt" );
sub readFileValue {
    my $fileName = $_[0];
    open( FILE, "$fileName" ) 
        or die( "Failed to open file $fileName: $!\n" );
    flock( FILE, 1 ) 
        or die( "Failed to lock file $fileName: $!\n" );

    my @lineList = <FILE>;

    my $value = join( "", @lineList );

    close FILE;

    return $value;

# Reads file as a string, trimming leading and trailing whitespace off.
# @param0 the name of the file.
# @return the trimmed file contents as a string.
# Example:
# my $value = readFileValue( "myFile.txt" );
sub readTrimmedFileValue {
    my $returnString = readFileValue( $_[0] );
    trimWhitespace( $returnString );

    return $returnString;

# Writes a string to a file.
# @param0 the name of the file.
# @param1 the string to print.
# Example:
# writeFile( "myFile.txt", "the new contents of this file" );
sub writeFile {
    my $fileName = $_[0];
    my $stringToPrint = $_[1];

    open( FILE, ">$fileName" ) 
        or die( "Failed to open file $fileName: $!\n" );
    flock( FILE, 2 ) 
        or die( "Failed to lock file $fileName: $!\n" );

    print FILE $stringToPrint;

    close FILE;

# Checks if a file exists in the filesystem.
# @param0 the name of the file.
# @return 1 if it exists, and 0 otherwise.
# Example:
# $exists = doesFileExist( "myFile.txt" );
sub doesFileExist {
    my $fileName = $_[0];
    if( -e $fileName ) {
        return 1;
    else {
        return 0;

# Trims any whitespace from the beginning and end of a string.
# @param0 the string to trim.
sub trimWhitespace {   

    # trim from front of string
    $_[0] =~ s/^\s+//;

    # trim from end of string
    $_[0] =~ s/\s+$//;

# Appends a string to a file.
# @param0 the name of the file.
# @param1 the string to append.
# Example:
# addToFile( "myFile.txt", "the new contents of this file" );
sub addToFile {
    my $fileName = $_[0];
    my $stringToPrint = $_[1];

    open( FILE, ">>$fileName" ) 
        or die( "Failed to open file $fileName: $!\n" );
    flock( FILE, 2 ) 
        or die( "Failed to lock file $fileName: $!\n" );

    print FILE $stringToPrint;

    close FILE;

# Makes a directory file.
# @param0 the name of the directory.
# @param1 the octal permission mask.
# Example:
# makeDirectory( "myDir", oct( "0777" ) );
sub makeDirectory {
    my $fileName = $_[0];
    my $permissionMask = $_[1];

    mkdir( $fileName, $permissionMask );

4 回答 4


我以前见过类似的东西。在我们的案例中,我很确定黑客在尚未更新的库中使用了缓冲区溢出。然后,他们能够使用 PHP shell 向服务器写入文件。


于 2011-06-08T18:40:40.993 回答


use constant {
    DIR_PRIVATE_DATA  => "/paths/of/glory",
    FILE_DONATION_LOG => "donationLog.txt"


处理常量是一件很痛苦的事情,因为它们不会被 插值qq,而且你必须不断地不断地使用(s)printf或大量的连接运算符。但这应该会让 ne'erdowells 更难更改作为文件路径传递的任何参数。

于 2011-05-31T15:02:19.780 回答

自从我玩 perl 的 CGI 模块以来已经有一段时间了,但是你确定 CGI::param 转义了这些值吗?从我坐的位置来看,这些值可能包含反引号,因此将被扩展和执行。

于 2011-05-08T16:42:30.767 回答

你的代码对我来说似乎很安全。我只是稍微反对使用文件的相对路径,这让我有点不舒服,但很难想象其中存在一些安全风险。我敢打赌这个漏洞在下面的某个地方(perl,apache ...)

于 2011-06-08T19:50:16.377 回答