我正在使用优秀的jQuery MultiSelect插件。


如果有任何可以很好地处理这个问题,也可以使用其他 jQuery 插件/脚本。


4 回答 4


您可以尝试修补 jQueryMultiSelect (未经测试)

行:34 --

multiSelect: function(o, callback ) {

线:34 ++

multiSelect: function(o, callback, postback) {

第 221 行:++

if( postback ) postback($(this));


if(jQuery) (function($){

    $.extend($.fn, {
        multiSelect: function(o, callback, postback) {
            // Default options
            if( !o ) var o = {};
            if( o.selectAll == undefined ) o.selectAll = true;
            if( o.selectAllText == undefined ) o.selectAllText = "Select All";
            if( o.noneSelected == undefined ) o.noneSelected = 'Select options';
            if( o.oneOrMoreSelected == undefined ) o.oneOrMoreSelected = '% selected';

            // Initialize each multiSelect
            $(this).each( function() {
                var select = $(this);
                var html = '<input type="text" readonly="readonly" class="multiSelect" value="" style="cursor: default;" />';
                html += '<div class="multiSelectOptions" style="position: absolute; z-index: 99999; display: none;">';
                if( o.selectAll ) html += '<label class="selectAll"><input type="checkbox" class="selectAll" />' + o.selectAllText + '</label>';
                $(select).find('OPTION').each( function() {
                    if( $(this).val() != '' ) {
                        html += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="' + $(select).attr('name') + '" value="' + $(this).val() + '"';
                        if( $(this).attr('selected') ) html += ' checked="checked"';
                        html += ' />' + $(this).html() + '</label>';
                html += '</div>';

                // Events
                $(select).next('.multiSelect').mouseover( function() {
                }).mouseout( function() {
                }).click( function() {
                    // Show/hide on click
                    if( $(this).hasClass('active') ) {
                    } else {
                    return false;
                }).focus( function() {
                    // So it can be styled with CSS
                }).blur( function() {
                    // So it can be styled with CSS

                // Determine if Select All should be checked initially
                if( o.selectAll ) {
                    var sa = true;
                    $(select).next('.multiSelect').next('.multiSelectOptions').find('INPUT:checkbox').not('.selectAll').each( function() {
                        if( !$(this).attr('checked') ) sa = false;
                    if( sa ) $(select).next('.multiSelect').next('.multiSelectOptions').find('INPUT.selectAll').attr('checked', true).parent().addClass('checked');

                // Handle Select All
                $(select).next('.multiSelect').next('.multiSelectOptions').find('INPUT.selectAll').click( function() {
                    if( $(this).attr('checked') == true ) $(this).parent().parent().find('INPUT:checkbox').attr('checked', true).parent().addClass('checked'); else $(this).parent().parent().find('INPUT:checkbox').attr('checked', false).parent().removeClass('checked');

                // Handle checkboxes
                $(select).next('.multiSelect').next('.multiSelectOptions').find('INPUT:checkbox').click( function() {
                    if( !$(this).attr('checked') ) $(this).parent().parent().find('INPUT:checkbox.selectAll').attr('checked', false).parent().removeClass('checked');
                    if( callback ) callback($(this));

                // Initial display
                $(select).next('.multiSelect').next('.multiSelectOptions').each( function() {

                // Handle hovers
                $(select).next('.multiSelect').next('.multiSelectOptions').find('LABEL').mouseover( function() {
                }).mouseout( function() {

                // Keyboard
                $(select).next('.multiSelect').keydown( function(e) {
                    // Is dropdown visible?
                    if( $(this).next('.multiSelectOptions').is(':visible') ) {
                        // Dropdown is visible
                        // Tab
                        if( e.keyCode == 9 ) {
                            $(this).addClass('focus').trigger('click'); // esc, left, right - hide
                            return true;

                        // ESC, Left, Right
                        if( e.keyCode == 27 || e.keyCode == 37 || e.keyCode == 39 ) {
                            // Hide dropdown
                        // Down
                        if( e.keyCode == 40 ) {
                            if( !$(this).next('.multiSelectOptions').find('LABEL').hasClass('hover') ) {
                                // Default to first item
                            } else {
                                // Move down, cycle to top if on bottom
                                if( !$(this).next('.multiSelectOptions').find('LABEL').hasClass('hover') ) {
                            return false;
                        // Up
                        if( e.keyCode == 38 ) {
                            if( !$(this).next('.multiSelectOptions').find('LABEL').hasClass('hover') ) {
                                // Default to first item
                            } else {
                                // Move up, cycle to bottom if on top
                                if( !$(this).next('.multiSelectOptions').find('LABEL').hasClass('hover') ) {
                            return false;
                        // Enter, Space
                        if( e.keyCode == 13 || e.keyCode == 32 ) {
                            // Select All
                            if( $(this).next('.multiSelectOptions').find('LABEL.hover INPUT:checkbox').hasClass('selectAll') ) {
                                if( $(this).next('.multiSelectOptions').find('LABEL.hover INPUT:checkbox').attr('checked') ) {
                                    // Uncheck all
                                    $(this).next('.multiSelectOptions').find('INPUT:checkbox').attr('checked', false).parent().removeClass('checked');
                                } else {
                                    // Check all
                                    $(this).next('.multiSelectOptions').find('INPUT:checkbox').attr('checked', true).parent().addClass('checked');
                                if( callback ) callback($(this));
                                return false;
                            // Other checkboxes
                            if( $(this).next('.multiSelectOptions').find('LABEL.hover INPUT:checkbox').attr('checked') ) {
                                // Uncheck
                                $(this).next('.multiSelectOptions').find('LABEL.hover INPUT:checkbox').attr('checked', false);
                                // Select all status can't be checked at this point
                                $(this).next('.multiSelectOptions').find('INPUT:checkbox.selectAll').attr('checked', false).parent().removeClass('checked');
                                if( callback ) callback($(this));
                            } else {
                                // Check
                                $(this).next('.multiSelectOptions').find('LABEL.hover INPUT:checkbox').attr('checked', true);
                                if( callback ) callback($(this));
                        return false;
                    } else {
                        // Dropdown is not visible
                        if( e.keyCode == 38 || e.keyCode == 40 || e.keyCode == 13 || e.keyCode == 32 ) { // down, enter, space - show
                            // Show dropdown
                            return false;
                        //  Tab key
                        if( e.keyCode == 9 ) {
                            // Shift focus to next INPUT element on page
                            return true;
                    // Prevent enter key from submitting form
                    if( e.keyCode == 13 ) return false;

                // Eliminate the original form element


        // Hide the dropdown
        multiSelectOptionsHide: function() {
            if( postback ) postback($(this));

        // Show the dropdown
        multiSelectOptionsShow: function() {
            // Hide any open option boxes

            // Position it
            var offset = $(this).offset();
            $(this).next('.multiSelectOptions').css({ top:  offset.top + $(this).outerHeight() + 'px' });
            $(this).next('.multiSelectOptions').css({ left: offset.left + 'px' });

            // Disappear on hover out
            multiSelectCurrent = $(this);
            var timer = '';
            $(this).next('.multiSelectOptions').hover( function() {
            }, function() {
                timer = setTimeout('$(multiSelectCurrent).multiSelectOptionsHide(); $(multiSelectCurrent).unbind("hover");', 250);


        // Update the textbox with the total number of selected items
        multiSelectUpdateSelected: function(o) {
            var i = 0, s = '';
            $(this).find('INPUT:checkbox:checked').not('.selectAll').each( function() {
            if( i == 0 ) {
                $(this).prev('INPUT.multiSelect').val( o.noneSelected );
            } else {
                if( o.oneOrMoreSelected == '*' ) {
                    var display = '';
                    $(this).find('INPUT:checkbox:checked').each( function() {
                        if( $(this).parent().text() != o.selectAllText ) display = display + $(this).parent().text() + ', ';
                    display = display.substr(0, display.length - 2);
                    $(this).prev('INPUT.multiSelect').val( display );
                } else {
                    $(this).prev('INPUT.multiSelect').val( o.oneOrMoreSelected.replace('%', i) );


于 2009-02-26T23:27:01.590 回答

K,如果因为您试图获取 ASP.NET 回发的值而遇到问题,您可以试试这个。这有点骇人听闻,但在renderOption函数中更改了一行:

var html = '<label><input type="checkbox" name="' + id + '[]" value="' + option.value + '"';


var html = '<label><input type="checkbox" name="' + id.replace(/_/g,"$") + '" value="' + option.value + '"';
于 2011-02-18T20:33:16.097 回答


$(document).ready( function() {
    $("#control_id").multiSelect(options, function() {
于 2009-02-26T22:14:47.567 回答


var Quali = document.getElementById('<%=hdCommaList.ClientID%>').value; 
var qualiList = Quali.split(',');
for (var dx = 0; dx < qualiList.length; dx++) {
    if (!(qualiList[dx] == '')) {
        $('input[type="checkbox"][value="' + qualiList[dx] + '"]').attr('checked', true).trigger('click').attr('checked', true);
于 2010-11-09T11:18:20.020 回答