<?xml version通过 fwrite 将字符串写入文件时,后续的写入操作会变慢。


#include <cstdio>
#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>

int main()
    const long index(15000000); 

    clock_t start_time(clock());
    FILE*  file_stream1 = fopen("test1.txt","wb");
    fwrite("<?xml version",1,13,file_stream1);
    for(auto i = 1;i < index ;++i)
        fwrite("only 6",1,6,file_stream1);

    std::cout << "\nOperation 1 took : " 
        << static_cast<double>(clock() - start_time)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC 
        << " seconds.";

    start_time = clock();
    FILE*  file_stream2 = fopen("test2.txt","wb");
    fwrite("<?xml versioX",1,13,file_stream2);
    for(auto i = 1;i < index ;++i)
        fwrite("only 6",1,6,file_stream2);

    std::cout << "\nOperation 2 took : " 
        << static_cast<double>(clock() - start_time)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC 
        << " seconds.";

    start_time = clock();
    FILE*  file_stream3 = fopen("test3.txt","w");
    const char test_str3[] = "<?xml versioX";
    for(auto i = 1;i < index ;++i)

    std::cout << "\nOperation 3 took : " 
        << static_cast<double>(clock() - start_time)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC 
        << " seconds.\n";

    return 0;


Operation 1 took : 3.185 seconds.
Operation 2 took : 2.025 seconds.
Operation 3 took : 2.992 seconds.

也就是说,当我们"<?xml version"用(操作 2)替换字符串(操作 1)时"<?xml versioX",结果明显更快。第三个操作与第一个操作一样快,尽管它要多写两倍的字符。


Windows 7、32 位、MSVC 2010

编辑 1

在 R.. 建议后,禁用 Microsoft Security Essentials 可恢复正常行为。



我的指示说我应该使用具有 2 个参数的类构造函数和第三个矩阵数组创建两个矩阵数组,第三个矩阵数组将用于使用默认构造函数(1 个参数)存储算术结果。



class matrix
    friend ostream& operator << (ostream&, const matrix&); // << overloader 

    int size // size indicates length of rows and cols, so size 3 means a 3 x 3 matrix
    int array[10][10];

    matrix(int, int);

matrix:: matrix (int sizeIn) //default constructor, use to make result matrix
    int MAX_SIZE = 10;

    if (0 > sizeIn && sizeIn > 10)
     size = MAX_SIZE;
     size = sizeIn;

    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)
             array[i][j] = 0;

matrix:: matrix (int sizeIn, int rangeIn) //use to make first 2 matrices that will be added
    int range;
    int MAX_SIZE = 10;
    int MAX_RANGE = 20;

    if (0 > sizeIn && sizeIn > 10)
     size = MAX_SIZE;
     size = sizeIn;

    if (0 > rangeIn && rangeIn > 20)
      range = MAX_RANGE;
     range = rangeIn;

    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)
            array[i][j] = (rand() % (2 * range + 1) - range); //random number for each index

ostream & operator << (ostream & os, const matrix & arrayPrint) // << overloader
    for (int i = 0; i < arrayPrint.size; i++)
        cout << '|';
        for (int j = 0; j < arrayPrint.size; j++)
            os << setw(4) << arrayPrint.array[i][j] << " ";
        os << setw(2) << '|' << endl;
return os;

1 回答 1


On Windows, most (all?) anti-virus software works by hooking into the file read and/or write operations to run the data being read or written again virus patterns and classify it as safe or virus. I suspect your anti-virus software, once it sees an XML header, loads up the XML-malware virus patterns and from that point on starts constantly checking to see if the XML you're writing to disk is part of a known virus.

Of course this behavior is utterly nonsensical and is part of what gives AV programs such a bad reputation with competent users, who see their performance plummet as soon as they turn on AV. The same goal could be accomplished in other ways that don't ruin performance. Here are some ideas they should be using:

  • Only scan files once at transitions between writing and reading, not after every write. Even if you did write a virus to disk, it doesn't become a threat until it subsequently gets read by some process.
  • Once a file is scanned, remember that it's safe and don't scan it again until it's modified.
  • Only scan files that are executable programs or that are detected as being used as script/program-like data by another program.

Unfortunately I don't know of any workaround until AV software makers wise up, other than turning your AV off... which is generally a bad idea on Windows.

于 2011-05-07T23:55:01.933 回答