向 .Net PrintDocument 对象添加页眉和页脚的最简单方法是实用的还是在设计时?

具体来说,我正在尝试打印第 3 方网格控件(Infragistics GridEx v4.3),该控件采用 PrintDocument 对象并将其自身绘制到其中。

生成的页面只包含网格及其内容 - 但是我想添加一个标题或标题来标识打印的报告,并可能添加一个页脚来显示谁打印它,何时打印,理想情况下是页码和总页数。

我正在使用 VB.Net 2.0。



2 回答 2



Private Sub btnPrint_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnPrint.Click

        Dim oDoc As New Printing.PrintDocument
        oDoc.DefaultPageSettings.Landscape = True
        AddHandler oDoc.PrintPage, AddressOf PrintPage

        oDoc.DocumentName = "Printout"

        InfragisticsWinGrid.PrintPreview(InfragisticsWinGrid.DisplayLayout, oDoc)

    End If
End Sub

Private Sub PrintPage(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs)

    ' Draw title
    e.Graphics.DrawString("Report Title"), New Font("Arial", 16), Brushes.Black, 95, 70)

    ' Draw footer
    e.Graphics.DrawImage(DirectCast(mResources.GetObject("footer_logo"), Drawing.Bitmap), 95, e.PageBounds.Height - 87)
    Dim drawFont As New Font("Arial", 8.75)

    e.Graphics.DrawString("Report Title", drawFont, Brushes.Gray, 190, e.PageBounds.Height - 90)
    e.Graphics.DrawString("Printed", drawFont, Brushes.Gray, 190, e.PageBounds.Height - 76)
    e.Graphics.DrawString("Printed By", drawFont, Brushes.Gray, 190, e.PageBounds.Height - 62)

    ' Draw some grid lines to add structure to the footer information
    e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Gray, 246, e.PageBounds.Height - 90, 246, e.PageBounds.Height - 48)
    e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Gray, 188, e.PageBounds.Height - 75, 550, e.PageBounds.Height - 75)
    e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Gray, 188, e.PageBounds.Height - 61, 550, e.PageBounds.Height - 61)

    e.Graphics.DrawString("Report", drawFont, Brushes.Black, 250, e.PageBounds.Height - 90)
    e.Graphics.DrawString(Date.Now.ToShortDateString & " " & Date.Now.ToShortTimeString, drawFont, Brushes.Black, 250, e.PageBounds.Height - 76)
    e.Graphics.DrawString("Andrew", drawFont, Brushes.Black, 250, e.PageBounds.Height - 62)

End Sub

我必须使用 的值e.PageBounds.Height - x才能使绘制的项目对齐。

再次感谢Booji Boy的指点 - 获得 ReportPage.Graphics() 正是我所追求的:o)

于 2008-10-22T08:55:32.873 回答

printdocument 对象为要打印的每一页触发 printpage 事件。您可以使用 printpageeventargs 事件参数将文本/行/等绘制到打印队列中:



于 2008-09-15T02:47:19.020 回答