I'm currently working on the requirements/scoping of a project now that could involve:
1) 5 to 6 forms
2) with 250 to 300 questions/fields accross the forms
3) 2 to 3 workflows

Are there any .NET or cross-platform tools that will allow me to put the responsibility of developing the forms back onto a non-technical Business Analyst? Are there any good DSLs for this? I think this person would NOT be sucessful at trying to use InfoPath for this.

I guess I'm looking for a DSL that I could put through an engine at runtime to display the CRUD screens. I'd rather not use my own XML or DSL if there is something like this already out there.

I'm thinking I would display the forms as part of an ASP.NET WebForm or ASP.NET MVC application.


1 回答 1


我对您的 DSL 的预感是,任何强大到足以解决您确定的任务的语言对于您的非技术业务分析师来说都太复杂了。

也就是说,对于一个高度受限的问题域(正如我认为您正在研究的那样),应该可以提出一个相对有用的 DSL。

事实上,这是 Ruby On Rails 的起始前提。

我目前的偏见是内部 DSL/语言专业化,即:作为另一种语言的一部分嵌入的 DSL。这可能意味着在您的 .net 应用程序中嵌入 IronRuby 或 IronPython。

虽然这确实使您摆脱了为您自己的自定义语言编写编译器/解释器的问题,但这确实意味着在嵌入式语言中编写 DSL 的一些前期工作。


于 2009-03-15T23:14:03.397 回答