I'm working on an network application and designed the following trait to read files from remote machines:
trait ReadFileAlg[F[_], Dataset[_], Context]{
def read(path: String, ctx: Context): F[Dataset[String]]
final class NetworkContext{
private var fileDescriptor: Int = _
private var inputStream: InputStream = _
final class ReadFromRemoteHost[F[_]: Sync] extends ReadFileAlg[F, List, NetworkContext]{
override def read(path: String, ctx: NetworkContext): F[List[String]] = Sync[F].delay(
//read data from the remote host
The problem I see here is that the implementation accepts NetworkContext
as a paramenter which is mutable and contains fields like fileDescriptor
which is related to a network connection.
Is this function read
referentially transparent?
I think yes, because the function itself does not provide direct access to a mutable state (it is under Sync[F].delay
) even though it accepts mutable data structure as an argument.