我正在学习 SuperCollider 并且在尝试创建用于存储频率的 2D 数组时遇到问题...最初我希望数组为 12 x 9 以便行代表音符(c、d、e、f. ..) 并且列表示八度音阶,例如 f[0,0] = c0 、 f[1,5] = c#5 、 f[2,1] = d1 等。首先,SC 从左到右自动换行通过行,所以这是我的第一个问题(稍后解决)。
主要问题:我尝试嵌套 for() 或 while() 循环以迭代 3 个索引以手动将频率放入数组位置,但失败了。我知道这充满了漏洞。对不起/谢谢。代码如下。
//loading the frequency array with note values
f = Array.new(108);
for ( -57,50, { arg n;
f.add(440 * (( 2 ** (1/12)) ** (n)) );
} );
/* below attempt works, sort of... values in the
expected 12x9 array are what they're supposed to
be, but there are extra values, in that the array
size is larger than expected... e.g. k[0,9] should
return null, right? Don't want the array values
to wrap such that the first row is (108) entries
k = Array2D.fromArray(12,9,f);
k[0,0]; //returns proper entry
k[0,9]; //should be null???
k[0,107]; //shouldn't exist??
k[11,8]; //returns proper entry
/* attempts at manual entry, array size is too
large after 2nd for() loop is executed and double
entries exist in the array, which is now bigger
than it was initialized...
h = Array2D.new(12,9);
for ( 0,8, { arg n; h.put(0,n,f[n]);} );
for ( 0,8, { arg n; h.put(1,n,f[n+12]); } );
//nested iteration attempted 1
f = Array.new(108);
for (-57, 50, { arg n;
f.add(440 * (( 2 ** (1/12) ) ** n) );
} );
q = Array2D.new(12,9);
for (0, 11, { arg i;
for (0, 8, { arg j;
for (0, 107, { arg k;
//nested iteration attempt 2
for (0, 107, { arg i;
for (0, 11, { arg j;
for (0, 8, { arg k;
// k = k+1;
// j = j+1;
// i = i+1;