package piglatinTranslation;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Vector;
public class PigLatin {
public static void main (String[]args)
Scanner Input = new Scanner(;
int words = 1;
Vector<Object> spacesList = new Vector<Object>();
Vector<Object> translatedWordList = new Vector<Object>();
String Phrase = Input.nextLine();
//Compares each character in the string 'Phrase'
//If a character is found as an empty space, it adds to the word count and saves the index of the space in a vector
for(int v = 0; v < Phrase.length(); v++)
char temp = Phrase.charAt(v);
String tempString = Character.toString(temp);
if(tempString.equals(" "))
//Takes each item in the vector (an integer for the index of each space within the sting)
// and creates a substring for each word, putting it though the translation method
// The translated word is added to a vector of strings
for(int v = 0; v < words; v++)
if(v == 0)
int subStrEnd = (int) spacesList.get(v);
Phrase.substring(1, subStrEnd);
int subStrStart = (int) spacesList.get(v - 1);
int subStrEnd = (int) spacesList.get(v);
Phrase.substring(subStrStart, subStrEnd);
//Takes each string in the vector and combines them into one string to be returned to the user
for(int v = 0; v < words; v++)
Phrase.concat((String) translatedWordList.get(v));
用户应该能够输入一个字符串,并通过 pig Latin 翻译回复给他们。例如:输入:Hello 输出:Ellohay
输入:你好,你好吗 输出:ellohay, owhay areyay ouyay
我在第 43 行不断收到越界错误。