给定一个 MIDI 文件,如何将条数转换为时间?通常,如何轻松地将小节数(整数)映射到歌曲中的时间(以秒为单位)
168 次
1 回答
使用漂亮的 midi,我的解决方案
import pretty_midi as pm
def get_bar_to_time_dict(self,song,id):
def get_numerator_for_sig_change(signature_change,id):
# since sometime pretty midi count are wierd
if int(signature_change.numerator)==6 and int(signature_change.denominator)==8:
# 6/8 goes to 2 for sure
return 2
return signature_change.numerator
# we have to take into account time-signature-changes
changes = song.time_signature_changes
beats = song.get_beats()
bar_to_time_dict = dict()
# first bar is on first position
current_beat_index = 0
current_bar = 1
bar_to_time_dict[current_bar] = beats[current_beat_index]
for index_time_sig, _ in enumerate(changes):
numerator = get_numerator_for_sig_change(changes[index_time_sig],id)
# keep adding to dictionary until the time signature changes, or we are in the last change, in that case iterate till end of beats
while index_time_sig == len(changes) - 1 or beats[current_beat_index] < changes[index_time_sig + 1].time:
# we have to increase in numerator steps, minus 1 for counting logic of natural counting
current_beat_index += numerator
if current_beat_index > len(beats) - 1:
# we labeled all beats so end function
return bar_to_time_dict
current_bar += 1
bar_to_time_dict[current_bar] = beats[current_beat_index]
return bar_to_time_dict
song = pm.PrettyMIDI('some_midi_file.midi')
如果有人知道漂亮的 midi 或 music21 中解决相同问题的功能,请告诉我,找不到。编辑:还有一个 6/8 节拍的问题,我认为这涵盖了所有边缘情况(不是 100% 确定)
于 2019-11-29T15:03:27.487 回答