这是我的代码,我得到 klocworks 错误 'value' is used uninitialized in this function。
/// Converts rgb to grayscale (in all channels)
template <typename T>
void convert_to_grayscale(rgb_image_s<T> &img)
auto r = img[rgb_color_e::red];
auto g = img[rgb_color_e::green];
auto b = img[rgb_color_e::blue];
r.foreach([](T &r, T &g, T &b)
/// error: 'value' is used uninitialized in this function.
auto value = reduce_to<T>(0.299 * r + 0.587 * g + 0.114 * b);
r = value;
g = value;
b = value;
}, g, b);
reduce_to 函数
// For integral types T only
template<typename T> // T <- T do nothing
typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value, T>::type reduce_to(T t) { return t; }
foreach 函数
template <class func, typename... types> func&
foreach(func &&f, types&&... images) const
// Check that the other input images are at least same size as this is
auto skipx = std::initializer_list<int>({ _skip_x, images._skip_x... });
auto all_ones = std::all_of(skipx.begin(), skipx.end(), [](const int skip) { return skip == 1; });
if (all_ones)
for (auto y : _height)
iterate_row(_width, f, &at(y, 0), &images.at(y, 0)...);
for (auto y : _height)
iterate_row(_width, f, make_row_iterator(y), images.make_row_iterator(y)...);
return f;
/// Converts rgb to grayscale (in all channels)
template <typename T>
void convert_to_grayscale(rgb_image_s<T> &img)
auto r = img[rgb_color_e::red];
auto g = img[rgb_color_e::green];
auto b = img[rgb_color_e::blue];
r.foreach([](T &r, T &g, T &b)
T value = reduce_to<T>(0.299 * r + 0.587 * g + 0.114 * b); // changed to T instead of auto
r = value;
g = value;
b = value;
}, g, b);
我试图理解为什么 klocworks 认为这是一个错误?