就像问题说的那样,我正在寻找一个完整的、最小的、来自运动(又名 3d 重建)管道的结构的工作示例。
马上让我说我没有相机参数。我不知道焦距或相机内在特性。所以马上,90% 的示例/教程 都是 无效的。
关于这个主题有很多问题,但代码只是片段,而不是完整的 SfM 过程。许多指令相互矛盾,或者只是猜测,开源外部库很难遵循。
我用下面的代码做了一个尝试。我使用匹配对的合成数据,因此没有噪音或不良对应问题需要解决。目标是从 2 个视图重建一个立方体(8 个 3d 点),每个视图有 8 个 2d 点。然而,最终的结果很糟糕。没有立方体形状的外观。(我已经尝试对数据进行规范化和居中,这不是问题)。
import cv2
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg
def combineTR(T,R): #turn a translation vector and a rotation matrix into one 3x4 projection matrix
T4 = np.eye(4)
T4[:3, 3] = T # make it 4x4 so we can dot product it
R4 = np.eye(4)
R4[:3, :3] = R
P = np.dot(T4, R4) # combine rotation and translation into one matrix
P = P[:3, :] # cut off bottom row
return P
# # ground truth
# Wpts = np.array([[1, 1, 1], # A Cube in world points
# [1, 2, 1],
# [2, 1, 1],
# [2, 2, 1],
# [1, 1, 2],
# [1, 2, 2],
# [2, 1, 2],
# [2, 2, 2]])
views = np.array(
[[[ 0.211, 0.392],
[ 0.179, 0.429],
[ 0.421, 0.392],
[ 0.358, 0.429],
[ 0.189, 0.193],
[ 0.163, 0.254],
[ 0.378, 0.193],
[ 0.326, 0.254]],
[[ 0.392, 0.211],
[ 0.392, 0.421],
[ 0.429, 0.179],
[ 0.429, 0.358],
[ 0.193, 0.189],
[ 0.193, 0.378],
[ 0.254, 0.163],
[ 0.254, 0.326]]])
F = cv2.findFundamentalMat(views[0], views[1],cv2.FM_8POINT)[0]
# hartley and zimmermans method for finding P
e2 = scipy.linalg.null_space(F.T) #epipole of second image
C2R = np.cross(e2.T, F) #camera 2 rotation
C2T = e2.T[0]
P = combineTR(C2T, C2R) #projection matrix for camera 2
R = np.eye(3) # rotation matrix for camera 1
T = [0, 0, 0] # translation
P0 = combineTR(T,R)
tpts = cv2.triangulatePoints(P0,P,views[0].T,views[1].T) #triangulated point
tpts /= tpts[-1] #divide by last row and scale it
tpts *= -100