如何为包含 1-n 引用的实体编写查询?
public void customQuery_ReferenceMultipleInstances() {
// prepare
LegoSet smallCar = createLegoSet("Small Car 01", 5, 12);
smallCar.setManual(new Manual("Just put all the pieces together in the right order", "Jens Schauder"));
smallCar.addModel("suv", "SUV with sliding doors.");
smallCar.addModel("roadster", "Slick red roadster.");
// execute
List<LegoSet> actual = repository.findByName("Small Car 01");
Iterable<LegoSet> compare = repository.findAll();
// verify
assertThat(actual).as("same number of lego sets").hasSize(Lists.newArrayList(compare).size());
assertThat(actual.get(0).getModels()).as("same number of models").hasSize(Lists.newArrayList(compare).get(0).getModels().size());
assertThat(actual.get(0).getModels().get(0)).as("model must not be null").isNotNull();
assertThat(actual.get(0).getModels().get(0).getName()).as("model must have a name").isNotEmpty();
参考 2Model
是标准的 spring-boot-data 方法CrudRepository
版本 1 中的自定义查询:
@Query("SELECT ls.id, ls.name, ls.min_age, ls.max_age, " +
"h.handbuch_id AS manual_handbuch_id, h.author AS manual_author, h.text AS manual_text " +
"FROM lego_set ls JOIN handbuch h ON ls.id = h.handbuch_id " +
"WHERE name = :name")
List<LegoSet> findByName(@Param("name") String name);
在此版本中,测试失败 w/
java.lang.AssertionError: [model must not be null]
Expecting actual not to be null
@Query("SELECT ls.id, ls.name, ls.min_age, ls.max_age, " +
"h.handbuch_id AS manual_handbuch_id, h.author AS manual_author, h.text AS manual_text, " +
"m.* " +
"FROM lego_set ls JOIN handbuch h ON ls.id = h.handbuch_id " +
"JOIN model m ON ls.id = m.lego_set " +
"WHERE name = :name")
List<LegoSet> findByName(@Param("name") String name);
java.lang.AssertionError: [same number of lego sets]
Expected size:<1> but was:<2> in:
<[LegoSet(id=1, name=Small Car 01, minimumAge=P5Y, maximumAge=P12Y, manual=Manual(id=1, author=Jens Schauder , text=Just put all the pieces together in the right order), models={suv=Model(name=suv, description=SUV with sliding doors.), roadster=Model(name=roadster, description=Slick red roadster.)}),
LegoSet(id=1, name=Small Car 01, minimumAge=P5Y, maximumAge=P12Y, manual=Manual(id=1, author=Jens Schauder