我正在制作一个颤振应用程序,并且我正在使用 cloud firestore 作为我的在线数据库。我的应用程序中的一项功能是寻找附近的用户,并在屏幕上的自定义小部件中向当前用户显示他们的个人资料。我这样做的方式是获取当前用户的位置(实时位置或保存在数据库中的地址),然后为用户遍历我的数据库集合中的每个用户。我从存储的数据中获取用户的地址,使用距离矩阵 API 计算距离,然后如果距离小于特定数字(例如 10000 米),我为用户创建配置文件小部件以在屏幕上显示它。
1-如果我的用户数量增加(例如一百万用户),通过查看每个用户详细信息并计算距离,可能需要很长时间才能在屏幕上获得结果。目前,我只有 20 个用户用于测试目的,当我搜索附近的用户时,结果可能需要 30 秒才能显示在屏幕上。
2- 由于互联网连接速度较慢,等待时间可能会更长,并且它可以使用大量用户数据来完成这个简单的任务。
final List<UserBoxDesign> listOfBoxes = [];
final FirebaseUser currentUser = await auth.currentUser();
final String currentUserId = currentUser.uid;
if (_userLocationSwitchValue == false) { //use default address of the user
currentUserAddress = await _databaseManagement.getUserCollectionValues(
currentUserId, "address");
} else {
//currentUserAddress = //to do, get device location here.
if (_searchValue == SearchValues.Users) {
final List<String> userIds = await _databaseManagement.getUserIds();
for (String id in userIds) {
final String otherUserLocations =
await _databaseManagement.getUserCollectionValues(id, "address");
final String distanceMeters = await _findDistanceGoogleMaps(
currentUserAddress, otherUserLocations);
if (distanceMeters == "Address can't be calculated" ||
distanceMeters == "Distance is more than required by user") {
//if it's not possible to calculate the address then just don't do anything with that.
} else {
final double distanceValueInKilometers = (double.parse(
distanceMeters) /
final String userProfileImageUrl =
await _databaseManagement.getUserCollectionValues(id, "image");
final String username =
await _databaseManagement.getUserCollectionValues(id, "username");
UserBoxDesign( //it creates a custom widget for user if user is nearby
userImageUrl: userProfileImageUrl,
distanceFromUser: distanceValueInKilometers,
userId: id,
username: username,
); //here we store the latest values inside the reserved data so when we create the page again, the value will be the reservedData value which is not empty anymore
listOfBoxes.sort((itemA,itemB)=>itemA.distanceFromUser.compareTo(itemB.distanceFromUser)); //SORTs the items from closer to more far from user (we can reverse it to far comes first and close goes last)
setState(() {
_isSearchingForUser = false;
return listOfBoxes;
Future<String> _findDistanceGoogleMaps(
String originAddress, String destinationAddress) async {
final String url =
try {
final response = await http.get(url);
final responseDecoded = json.decode(response.body);
final distanceInMeters = double.parse(responseDecoded["rows"][0]
.toString()); //this is the value in meters always so for km , divide by 1000.
if (distanceInMeters < 100000) {
return distanceInMeters.toString();
} else {
return "Distance is more than required by user";
} catch (e) {
return "Address can't be calculated";