
ansible-galaxy 命令与 Ansible 捆绑在一起,您可以使用它从 Galaxy 或直接从基于 git 的 SCM 安装角色。您还可以使用它在 Galaxy 网站上创建新角色、删除角色或执行任务。

我试图弄清楚如何可以“直接从基于 git 的 SCM ”安装 Ansible 集合,如所示。当我ansible-galaxy collections --help从 MacOS Catalina 上的 Ansible 2.9.1 运行时,我看到以下内容:

usage: ansible-galaxy collection install [-h] [-s API_SERVER]
                                         [--api-key API_KEY] [-c] [-v] [-f]
                                         [-i] [-n | --force-with-deps]
                                         [-p COLLECTIONS_PATH]
                                         [-r REQUIREMENTS]
                                         [collection_name [collection_name ...]]

positional arguments:
  collection_name       The collection(s) name or path/url to a tar.gz
                        collection artifact. This is mutually exclusive with

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s API_SERVER, --server API_SERVER
                        The Galaxy API server URL
  --api-key API_KEY     The Ansible Galaxy API key which can be found at
                        https://galaxy.ansible.com/me/preferences. You can
                        also use ansible-galaxy login to retrieve this key or
                        set the token for the GALAXY_SERVER_LIST entry.
  -c, --ignore-certs    Ignore SSL certificate validation errors.
  -v, --verbose         verbose mode (-vvv for more, -vvvv to enable
                        connection debugging)
  -f, --force           Force overwriting an existing role or collection
  -i, --ignore-errors   Ignore errors during installation and continue with
                        the next specified collection. This will not ignore
                        dependency conflict errors.
  -n, --no-deps         Don't download collections listed as dependencies.
  --force-with-deps     Force overwriting an existing collection and its
                        The path to the directory containing your collections.
  -r REQUIREMENTS, --requirements-file REQUIREMENTS
                        A file containing a list of collections to be

我尝试为参数指定 GitHub 存储库 URI -p,但没有识别有效的 URI,而是ansible-galaxy尝试查看名为我指定的 URI 的子文件夹。

ansible-galaxy collection install -p https://github.com/pcgeek86/ansible-galaxy-test trevor.trevormacos

我的期望是为-p参数指定一个 GitHub 存储库 URI 应该正确地表明我想从该 GitHub 存储库安装一个集合。

问题:如何指示直接从 GitHub URIansible-galaxy安装 Ansible 集合?


1 回答 1


从最近的 Ansible 2.10 版开始,这现在是可能的。

见:https ://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/69154


  - name: git@github.com:my_org/private_collections.git#/path/to/collection,devel
  - name: https://github.com/ansible-collections/amazon.aws.git
    type: git
    version: 8102847014fd6e7a3233df9ea998ef4677b99248
于 2020-07-27T15:02:14.673 回答