我正在尝试制作一个 Swift 应用程序,'Earwig.app',MacOS,可编写脚本。我开始无耻地从Making Cocoa Application Scriptable Swift中窃取一个示例,添加两个文件,一个 .sdef 和一个 .swift ,如下所示。我在 info.plist 中设置了 Scriptable 和脚本定义文件名
我的 AppleScript 是:
tell application "EarwigServer" to save in "path/to/file"
运行脚本给我一个错误,“EarwigServer 出现错误:无法继续保存。”
sdef 文件:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE dictionary SYSTEM "file://localhost/System/Library/DTDs/sdef.dtd">
<dictionary title="ScriptableSwift Terminology">
<suite name="ScriptableSwift Scripting Suite" code="SSss" description="Standard suite for application communication.">
<command name="save" code="SSssSave" description="Save something.">
<cocoa class="ScriptableSwift.SaveScriptCommand"/>
<parameter name="in" code="Fpat" type="text" description="The file path in which to save the document.">
<cocoa key="FilePath"/>
<result type="text" description="Echoes back the filepath supplied."/>
import Foundation
import Cocoa
class SaveScriptCommand: NSScriptCommand {
override func performDefaultImplementation() -> Any? {
print( "in" )
let filePath = self.evaluatedArguments!["FilePath"] as! String
print( "here" )
return filePath