


#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>  //for fabs() functions

using namespace std ;

int main()
    double timeToFillPool ;
    double length, width, depth, fillingRate ;
    double poolCurrWaterAmount, totalPoolCapacity ;
    const double CUBIC_FOOT_TO_USGALLON = 7.48052 ; //i.e. 1 cubic foot = 7.48052 US Gallon
    //setting tolerance value for comparing floating point numbers to 1/10000
    //any thing less will be considered zero
    const double EPSILON = 0.0001 ;

    //preparing the output stream to print floating numbers in decimal
    //form with precision to print two digits after decimal point
    cout << fixed << setprecision(2);

    cout << "Please enter swimming pool's dimensions,capacity,fill rate & drain rate information.\n";
    cout << "Enter Length in foot                         : " ;
    cin >> length ;

    cout << "Enter width in foot                          : " ;
    cin >> width ;

    cout << "Enter depth in foot                          : " ;
    cin >> depth ;

    cout << "Enter filling rate of water in US Gallon/min : " ;
    cin >> fillingRate ;

    //calculating totalPoolCapacity in US Gallon
    totalPoolCapacity = length * width * depth * CUBIC_FOOT_TO_USGALLON ;
    cout << "\n\nTotal pool capacity                          = " << totalPoolCapacity << " US Gallon." ;

    cout << "\n\nPlease enter current amount of water in pool in US Gallon to " ;
    cout << "\nfill the pool according to filling rate for the specific amount of time in minutes : " ;
    cin >> poolCurrWaterAmount ;
    //to check minimum and maximum range of current amount of water.
    while( !(poolCurrWaterAmount >= 0.0   &&   poolCurrWaterAmount <= totalPoolCapacity ) )
        cout << "\nYou have entered in-valid value for current amount of water!"
             << "\nEnter current amount of water value from 0 to maximum capacity of pool "
             << setw(10) << totalPoolCapacity << " in US Gallon : " ;
        cin >> poolCurrWaterAmount ;

    cout << "\nPlease enter time in minute to fill water in pool : " ;
    cin >> timeToFillPool ;

    //Calculations and message displayed are on the basis of whether the filling water
    //will cause overflow of water after filling the pool or not.
    //managing floating point eqaulity  poolCurrWaterAmount == totalPoolCapacity
    //setting the tolerance value EPSILON to 1/10000 = 0.0001 of a US Gallon
    if ( fabs(poolCurrWaterAmount - totalPoolCapacity) < EPSILON)
        cout << "\n\nPool is Full. Water cannot be added." ;
        cout << "\nTotal water in pool is " << setw(10) << totalPoolCapacity << " US Gallon." ;
    else if (fillingRate * timeToFillPool > (totalPoolCapacity - poolCurrWaterAmount) )
        //case to check that time entered for filling water will cause overflow of water or not
        cout << "\n\nWarning! Pool will be overflowed with water! No water added!" ;
        cout << "\nCurrent amount of water in pool = "
             << setw(10) << poolCurrWaterAmount << " US Gallon." ;
        cout << "\nMaximum time required to completely fill the pool at\nfilling rate of "
             << setw(10) << fillingRate << " US Gallon/min is "
             << setw(10) << ( (totalPoolCapacity - poolCurrWaterAmount) / fillingRate ) << " minute." ;
    else   //case where time entered for filling water will not cause overflow of water in pool
        cout << "\n\nCurrent amount of water in pool = "
             << setw(10) << poolCurrWaterAmount << " US Gallon." ;
        cout << "\nAfter filling "
             << setw(10) << (fillingRate * timeToFillPool) << " US Gallon at filling rate of "
             << setw(10) << fillingRate << " US Gallons/min for "
             << setw(10) << timeToFillPool << " minute\nthe new amount of water in pool is "
             << setw(10) << ( poolCurrWaterAmount + fillingRate * timeToFillPool ) << " US Gallon." ;

//end of main function
this is the ouput of the program: -

Please enter swimming pool's dimensions,capacity,fill rate & drain rate information.
Enter Length in foot                         : 3
Enter width in foot                          : 2
Enter depth in foot                          : 2
Enter filling rate of water in US Gallon/min : 4

Total pool capacity                          = 89.77 US Gallon.

Please enter current amount of water in pool in US Gallon to
fill the pool according to filling rate for the specific amount of time in minutes : 89.77

You have entered in-valid value for current amount of water!
Enter current amount of water value from 0 to maximum capacity of pool      89.77 in US Gallon :


问题是存储的内部值totalPoolCapacity是 89.76624 并且由于setprecision(2)它将值四舍五入到 89.77 所以当我输入 89.77 它不接受它作为正确的值,尽管根据显示消息它应该是正确的值。我不想向用户展示全部价值。

还请解释如何处理这个计算setprecision(2) (totalPoolCapacity - poolCurrWaterAmount) / fillingRate




3 回答 3


您永远不应该进行浮点比较,例如poolCurrWaterAmount <= totalPoolCapacity.

相反,您应该这样做(poolCurrWaterAmount - totalPoolCapacity) < epsilon

在您的情况下,epsilon 应该是 0.005。

通常,对于相等运算符,epsilon 可以像 DBL_EPSILON一样小。


于 2019-11-17T20:51:48.030 回答


或者,如果您不喜欢这种方法,您也可以只设置poolCurrWaterAmount = std::min(poolCurrWaterAmount, totalPoolCapacity);而不是发出错误消息,这样如果用户输入的值大于池的容量,则将其视为输入的值等于池的容量容量。

于 2019-11-17T20:37:48.273 回答


问题是存储在 totalPoolCapacity 中的内部值是 89.76624 并且由于 setprecision(2) 它将值四舍五入到 89.77 所以当我输入 89.77 它不接受它作为正确的值虽然它应该是正确的值根据显示信息。我不想向用户展示全部价值。

如果用户输入的值等于 的舍入值,您可以尝试将 设置poolCurrentWaterAmount为,例如:totalPoolCapacitytotalPoolCapacity

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>

double round_double_value(double val, int prec) {
    std::stringstream strstream;
    strstream << std::fixed << std::setprecision(prec) << val;
    double result;
    strstream >> result;
    return result;

int main()
    const double CUBIC_FOOT_TO_USGALLON = 7.48052 ;
    const double EPSILON = 0.0001 ;

    double length = 3.0;
    double width = 2.0;
    double depth = 2.0;
    double fillingRate = 4.0;

    double totalPoolCapacity = length * width * depth * CUBIC_FOOT_TO_USGALLON ;
    int out_precision = 2;
    std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(out_precision);
    std::cout << "Total pool capacity = " << totalPoolCapacity << " US Gallon.\n" ;

    double poolCurrWaterAmount = 89.77;
    std::cout << "You entered current pool water amount = " << poolCurrWaterAmount << '\n';

    if ((poolCurrWaterAmount > totalPoolCapacity)
        && (poolCurrWaterAmount == round_double_value(totalPoolCapacity, out_precision)) ) {
        // Assume the user meant to input the maximum..
        poolCurrWaterAmount = totalPoolCapacity;

    if( !(poolCurrWaterAmount >= 0.0
            &&  poolCurrWaterAmount <= totalPoolCapacity ) )
        std::cout << "You have entered in-valid value for current amount of water!\n";

    return 0;
于 2019-11-17T23:46:36.183 回答