当我登录我的 awseducate 帐户并单击帐户详细信息时,我会获得我的凭据。 查看帐户生成的凭据
我成功地将这些凭证与我的 S3 存储桶一起使用来上传和下载文件。但是,当我尝试将这些凭据与弹性 beanstalk 服务 - ebcli ( eb init命令) 一起使用时,我收到消息ERROR: NotAuthorizedError - Operation Denied。请求中包含的安全令牌无效。
F:\cloud-developer-master\course-02\project\image-filter-starter-code>eb init
Select a default region
1) us-east-1 : US East (N. Virginia)
2) us-west-1 : US West (N. California)
3) us-west-2 : US West (Oregon)
4) eu-west-1 : EU (Ireland)
(default is 3): 1
You have not yet set up your credentials or your credentials are incorrect
You must provide your credentials.
(aws-access-id): ASIxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
(aws-secret-key): hVCExxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ERROR: NotAuthorizedError - Operation Denied. The security token included in the request is invalid.
注意:我无法使用新用户创建新凭据,因为此 AWS 学生账户不允许此操作。我尝试引用页面以获取新凭据,但仍然没有成功。
F:\cloud-developer-master\course-02\project\image-filter-starter-code>eb init
Select a default region
1) us-east-1 : US East (N. Virginia)
2) us-west-1 : US West (N. California)
3) us-west-2 : US West (Oregon)
(default is 3): 1
ERROR: The current user does not have the correct permissions. Reason: Operation Denied. The security token included in the request is invalid.
ERROR: The current user does not have the correct permissions. Reason: Operation Denied. The security token included in the request is invalid.
You have not yet set up your credentials or your credentials are incorrect
You must provide your credentials.
(aws-access-id): ASIxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
(aws-secret-key): 1Ssxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ERROR: NotAuthorizedError - Operation Denied. The security token included in the request is invalid.