当我执行:Vex或执行类似的操作时,netrw 缓冲区会打开,这非常好。但是,我想在使用:Vex命令打开的 netrw 缓冲区中打开一个从 netrw 中选择的文件。这可能吗?


1 回答 1



:let g:netrw_browse_split

然后与文档 ( :h g:netrw_browse_split) 中的所需值进行比较:

  *g:netrw_browse_split*    when browsing, <cr> will open the file by:
                =0: re-using the same window  (default)
                =1: horizontally splitting the window first
                =2: vertically   splitting the window first
                =3: open file in new tab
                =4: act like "P" (ie. open previous window)
                    Note that |g:netrw_preview| may be used
                    to get vertical splitting instead of
                    horizontal splitting.
                    Given a |List| such as this, a remote server
                    named by the "servername" will be used for
                    editing.  It will also use the specified tab
                    and window numbers to perform editing
                    (see |clientserver|, |netrw-ctrl-r|)
                This option does not affect the production of
                |:Lexplore| windows.
于 2020-05-02T13:37:14.743 回答