I am not a developer, but I think that my question is interesting enough (and I am desperate enough) to post here on stackoverflow

My company uses a program written in C# to drive a kiosk PC that uses .Net 2.0 SP1 and a USB signature pad. The signature pad is a HID that uses the generic Microsoft HID driver.

We tried to install our software on a kiosk PC that uses a different brand of motherboard than we previously used. We moved from a Gigabyte board to an ASUS board. Other than the brand, the specs are identical, same north bridge, same south bridge, same CPU, same host controllers etc. Also, our install procedure is documented and hasn't changed in months.

On the new motherboard, the signature pad is recognized as a HID, installs without an issue, and the manufacturers software can run the device, but our software does not recognize that device is even connected. The only thing that has changed is the motherboard brand. The manufactures software that can initialize the device is not written in C#.

Any thoughts, suggestions, or solutions are welcome!!!!


3 回答 3


It's could possibly related to programing/but i am thinking its the hardware/driver issue.

You could try removing all drivers and reinstall new drivers under computer management.

Most new motherboards of a different model/brand require windows to be reinstalled.

于 2009-02-26T00:38:18.777 回答



这不应该发生,但在地球上,有时(过于频繁)会发生。很久以前,我一直在开发 POS 软件,为了强制供应商锁定硬件供应(不是我的想法),我做了这样的事情。

我会环顾四周,看看两个板上 HID 的硬件 ID 是什么,看看它们是否有任何不同。

可能最好的做法是联系软件提供商,但如果这不是一个选项,您也许可以深入了解程序的内部,以及使用反射器的任何硬编码设备标识符:http://www .red-gate.com/products/reflector/

请注意,由于您不是开发人员,因此这可能看起来像希腊语(如果您精通希腊语,请插入您不理解的任何其他语言),并且解释这一切的含义超出了此答案的范围。但是要查找的是第一块板中 HID 的硬件 ID,或者链接到 USB 控制器的任何其他内容。

于 2009-02-26T01:00:06.260 回答

Can you run some kind of debugger or logging on both boards and see what the status etc. is that the device is returning?

于 2009-02-26T00:36:50.293 回答