我在 azure kusto 在线查询终端上运行以下两个查询
(可在此链接获得 - https://dataexplorer.azure.com/clusters/help/databases/Samples)
//okay this is lag related code.
//but we need to serialize first in some way, in other words sort it
| order by StartTime | extend LaggedOutput = next( State,2,"NOTHING FOUND") | project State,LaggedOutput;
//lets try coalasce
//next inside the coalesce returns a empty string and that is replaced with our replacement.
//note : I think we can forgo coalesce completely because next
//already has a default value.
| order by StartTime | project coalesce(next(State,2,""),"COALSESCE");
所以,我的问题是,为什么要为合并而烦恼呢?next() 已经提供了我可以在这种情况下应用的默认值?