我不相信 Informix 具有像 Oracle 这样的分析功能,但如果有的话,这将是一个使用它们的好地方。下面是一个使用分析函数 lag 和 max 的 Oracle 示例。
drop table temps;
create table temps (
locId varchar2(3),
dtg date,
temp number(3)
insert into temps values ('aaa', to_date('2009-02-25 10:00','yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi'), 15);
insert into temps values ('bbb', to_date('2009-02-25 10:00','yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi'), 20);
insert into temps values ('ccc', to_date('2009-02-25 10:00','yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi'), 24);
insert into temps values ('aaa', to_date('2009-02-25 09:45','yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi'), 13);
insert into temps values ('ccc', to_date('2009-02-25 09:45','yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi'), 16);
insert into temps values ('bbb', to_date('2009-02-25 09:45','yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi'), 18);
insert into temps values ('ddd', to_date('2009-02-25 09:45','yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi'), 12);
insert into temps values ('aaa', to_date('2009-02-25 09:30','yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi'), 11);
insert into temps values ('ccc', to_date('2009-02-25 09:30','yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi'), 14);
insert into temps values ('bbb', to_date('2009-02-25 09:30','yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi'), 15);
insert into temps values ('ddd', to_date('2009-02-25 09:30','yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi'), 10);
使用分析函数的特定于 Oracle 的查询:
select locId, change
from (
select t.locId,
-- difference between this records temperature and the record before it
t.temp - lag(t.temp) over (partition by t.locId order by t.dtg) change,
-- max date for this location
max(t.dtg) over (partition by t.locId) maxDtg,
max(t.dtg) over (partition by 1) overallMaxDtg
from temps t
order by t.locId, t.dtg
) where maxDtg = dtg -- only most recent measurement
and overallMaxDtg = maxDtg -- only stations with an 'updated measurement'
aaa 2
bbb 2
ccc 8
关于 Oracle 分析的良好资源:http ://www.psoug.org/reference/analytic_functions.html